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Everything posted by MogRules

  1. Probably, but the panels don't come out as easily as they used to either. They are two sided taped in, and the bezels don't come off very easily. You would risk damaging the panel or breaking the bezel if you are not super careful. When they do warranty replacements on the screens now they just send a whole screen and top lid and it all goes on in one piece. While it's not impossible it's just going to be a lot more difficult. You will very likely need to get new tape to apply if you get the screen out.
  2. Received my replacement M18R2 for the completely failed M18R1 that I have had for almost a year now. Repasted it with LM, undervolted it and pushed it a bit. Pretty happy with the scores overall. The R1 never managed to get past 199w for me before, but this one is hitting 204w thus far. Needless to say it's still getting hot, but at that wattage I am not surprised. EDIT: Added a bit more LM, didn't add enough on the first pass. Temps are better now, only one core is hitting 100c , the rest are still in the 90's, but it's pulling 206w and holding around 192w.
  3. This does still seem to work on the M18R2 with 14th gen, in case anyone is wondering.
  4. Well updates, The E31 DIDN'T last, after a few days the CPU wouldn't pull more then 145w anymore, so back to LM that went. No SSD drops at all in two weeks, and no BSOD's aside from playing to much with the undervolt and the stupid Intelligo driver, which is now disabled. It's been at least a week of gaming with zero issues once I finally got it all locked down where it needed to be. The biggest issue here is the Intelligo driver clearly has a bug that needs to be fixed.
  5. Well, motherboard swap is done, so now we see if the issue persists. Tech went back to Element 31, as expected, but so far it's performing OK. CPU will still pull 199w on Cinebench, and it scores about 500pts lower then the LM, but I can live with that. Temps go higher faster, but it's maintaining it's performance, so for now I will leave it in there. Will update if it starts BSOD again, or dropping the SSD's from the system. On the plus side, the new board came with 1.7.0 on it, so I could role back to 1.6.0 and just leave it there. RAM still runs at 5200mhz, so no point in going up again, especially since I don't know if it was something past 1.9.0 that was causing all of this, as you can't role back past that.
  6. It's been good for a few days now, but I don't know if it's the LM or not. My reliability reports are NOT showing the audio system crashing daily anymore , but I can't see LM having anything to do with that. I also found another Intelligo app I was missing, but if that was enough to cause all these BSOD issues then Alienware has a problem with these drivers.
  7. Seems to be audio related. As a last ditch effort I have removed the LM I had on the CPU/GPU and replaced it with PTM7950. I can honestly say it's not as good as LM. Wattage caps out at 168w on the CPU with a stress test now, and most cores are hitting 100c almost instantly.
  8. Tracking a bunch of BSOD issues now, mostly seemingly around the intelligo garbage from Intel. Mine is completely random and to be quite honest, almost irritating enough to push me back to the 51m. I will likely be contacting support if I can't work through this, because after continuously reinstalling and troubleshooting, I am about at my wits end. It's completely random and NOTHING seems to help it. Also, my secondary SSD seems to like to just up and off ( Do I sound irritated yet? ) out of my system randomly, so that's also a barrel of fun. Update , October 03. Alienware is looking into it after I gave them a spreadsheet of reddit posts showing this was getting more severe. Will update when I find out more.
  9. It reduced my Cinebench scores, albeit slightly. I also couldn't seem to get passed 175w on the CPU with that one. Game wise I saw no noticeable difference.
  10. Anyone else been seeing any BSOD issues? I am tracking a few different posts on Reddit, including mine, that are having this issue. Just curious if anyone else has noticed this? I may have found a solution, but I am not positive yet and am still testing.
  11. Not sure, I was using whatever the newest version was. The weird part is I didn't seem to have any issues until I ran the new XTU, so either that messed with something or I might have installed a new Intel driver. It's been working for a week now without issue so I have just been leaving it alone.
  12. Ok, so....I think it's fixed. I don't know if the Windows re-install has anything to do with it, but I think it's an Intel driver specific issue. As of now, 32 hours and 4 Windows re-installs later, Thorottlestop is working again and not causing the system to slow to a crawl after rebooting with auto start on. I honestly don't know if my troubles began when I reloaded Windows to get rid of the Dell stock image and go to the Windows image, or if it was a driver I was either missing , or maybe one that Windows update wants me to install. I know Windows update has a whole slew of crap I don't want to install, and there are a few intel ones in the list, but I am avoiding them for now. For now I am running JUST the intel ones off the Dell support site, and I am back on the AW OS image...see if that stays stable for a few days now.
  13. I have not, but then I never had them off to begin with. I think XTU was the problem TBH. I didn't have ANY problems until I installed that the other day, so I guess I will try XTU again and see if that works, but for now Throttlestop is out for me again 😞 I asked my Alienware contacts and they think Intel is screwing with stuff, it wasn't anything on their side that was changed. What I can't figure out is how it's persisting through a format....
  14. Yep, same issue unfortunately. I don't think it was a BIOS change. It's like the CPU just does not want to turbo anymore at all as soon as it enables. I also went back in and confirmed the UV edit was still there, so I honestly have no ideas anymore.
  15. I have a serious love hate relationship with this laptop right now. I don't know why, but Throttlestop can't run anymore without tanking the CPU frequency. Even re-installing Windows has zero effect. Sometimes I really REALLY hate computers.
  16. Update. Disabling core isolation allows XTU to run again, but it re-introduces the Throttlestop bug that has the CPU getting stuck below 1000mhz, so the whole laptop turns into a slug.
  17. They sure seem to be hellbent on getting rid of undervolting, that's for sure.
  18. XTU won't launch anymore because I disabled the undervolt protection lol.....Ok Intel....
  19. Figured some of you might be interested in this. Needless to say you do any of this at your own risk.
  20. Interesting...I have not noticed that. Did you hex edit your BIOS to unlock undervolting? I know if I undervolt to far at all I get the same BSOD errors A LOT. It's possible that a newer BIOS may change what the undervolt is stable at as well, so if your doing that I would knock it down a bit and see if it helps.
  21. I think someone on Reddit already did it, and claimed much improved temps. I have the PTM7950, but I already used LM on mine , so until that needs to be repasted again I am just holding off.
  22. I installed it last night. Cinebench scores seem to have gone up a bit. 35.4k now. Not sure what reducing electrical noise means 🤔 Some people have a bug where once the BIOS has been applied it will turn the storage config off, so Windows won't load properly, it goes to boot from HTTP. This can be fixed by changing the storage option back to AHCI, or Raid, where ever it was set before.
  23. Yes, it appears so that they are very different. I honestly don't know what the undervolt in the BIOS is doing, because on my system at least, it never seemed to change anything. Now that I have unlocked the undervolting in the BIOS and can use throttlestop I am 100% seeing a reduction in overall system temps and far higher Cinebench scores, so it's pretty clearly working. I won't go as far as to say the BIOS UV does nothing, but if it's working it's def not doing as much as the Throttlestop UV.
  24. Yeah, so not really sure what the UV in the BIOS is doing, but based on my working Throttlestop results...not much. Temps will still hil 99-100c in Cinebench, but the CPU package is drawing up to 197w at peak and sits around 171w sustained. I am just over 35k now, where as I could barely get higher then 31k before. That being said, the custom profile in AWCC now causes pretty much instant crashes and BSOD. Not sure if that is related to the undervolt changes at all, still testing.
  25. That did it. The part about renaming wasn't super clear, so I still had it as grubx64 not bootx64. Changes applied and I can not undervolt from Windows. Time to see if this has any difference over the BIOS UV 😊 Thanks again!
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