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Everything posted by H0N0R

  1. So after some usage and research I've got some updates: 1) G-sync is just enabled automatically when the dgpu is being used, nothing complicated here. 2) Still nothing on the gamefirst software, I don't think asus cares about it and it's just a gimmick. 3) About dolby vision: I got my laptop freedos, so I had to do a clean install of windows. Turns out that only laptops that came with windows preinstalled have the right color profiles and licences for dolby vision (.icm and pqconfig.dv files). Some customers of asus, dell, lenovo experienced the issue where after a clean install the profiles just go away and they don't autamatically install. Most ppl solved the issue where they obtained the necessary files from another user with the exact same model. My model name is G634JZ (rtx4080 model). Does anyone have the exact same model and will be willing to help me out? The files are under 'C:\Windows\System32\spool\drivers\color' If anyone would just .zip their color folder and share it, I would really be very thankful 🙂
  2. Hello, I bought the Scar 16 2023 (RTX4080) this week, and have some questions about some of the features to the owners of this model. 1) Is this laptop Dolby Vision licensed for sure? In the production page it says it is, but in the Dolby Access app, I have no tabs or settings about Dolby Vision, it only has Dolby Atmos settings. I downloaded every driver from the products support page and myasus app, installed the Dolby Vision Extensions from Microsoft Store and I still don't have Vision settings. I can enable and use regular HDR from Windows settings. Netflix app shows both Dolby vision and atmos on supported shows detail page, so I guess it is enabled? In some of the reviews for this product, they have Dolby vision settings on the access app. 2) How do I enable G-sync? There are no settings for it in the Nvidia control panel. 3) There is no download link for the Gamefirst software on the support page. Does my unit not support it? I would like to use it with my ROG router. Thanks in advance
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