I have read how to do this and did it but it still states undervolt protection is on maybe i missed something? where is this video i need it! Please and TY! I saw your repaste video i did mine with liquid metal temps are great but i messed up on the pads when removing the heatsink they got garbled up and i dont know the correct sizes (the ones next to the processor side everything else is good. I tried google but no one has this info not even the service manual. If you could help in that regard it would be greatly appreciated as well. Also i would like to see the xmp profile enabling as well
BTW I was able to OC processor to 5.6GHZ and Ecores to 4.1ghz while keeping temps in gaming sessions to 85C max 80 Average Fans i believe are around 45%. Usually at around 100W max but can hit 175w in cpu dependent games and stay under 93C. Gpu around 65C max at 2310mhz undervolted to 875mv with 105 core 100 on mem i can probably oc it more but im good.