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About Aroc

  • Birthday 12/03/1977

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  1. Thank you! About an hour ago with an hour left, I was able to take advantage of this offer. Nice deal! Thanks.
  2. It seems like it is an attempt to gamify the act of forum participation -- to hijack the parts of our brains we already have in order to build a better online community -- all to reward forum participation: - starting a topic - reply or answer a topic - getting a conversation going - liking/repping a post - etc Those are my guesses. Take a look at Aaron's account as an example. Look at the reps/achievements/badges he has already earned for his participation: https://efgxt.net/profile/67-aaron44126/ Look at what he has already been able to contribute in a short time (under one week)!!
  3. If anyone is curious, am I still running Debian on this Eurocom Tornado F5 in 2022? No. I run Fedora Linux 35, and everything on this machine (killer networking, X170 chipset, GTX 1070) is supported out of the box. Gaming works with RPMFusion repos (non-free) enabled. I use GNOME desktop environment. This laptop is mainly a development laptop for artificial intelligence (AI) and some machine learning stuff, but nothing serious. It is also my secondary Linux machine after my SFF desktop. I use both for gaming however I use the SFF desktop 95% of the time. And since I am more developer focused and gaming secondary, I tend to run Fedora Linux. Would I ever go back to Debian Testing? Yes, especially if I went with a tiling window manager (WM) like bspwm!! Thanks!
  4. This is a repost from 2017. Posted here so I won't lose this. Some of the links and instructions might be different but the overall approach is sound. 😁 Last week, I (re-)joined the Linux fold on the MSI 16L13 barebones, too. Install Debian Linux 9.0: Used firmware-testing-amd64-netinst.iso from: https://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/...ncluding-firmware/weekly-builds/amd64/iso-cd/ Install Killer firmware: Killer Wireless-AC 1535 was detected by the built-in drivers but Debian 9.0 (Linux kernel 4.9.0-2-amd64) needed the updated firmware files before Killer would work. Get and run the package from terminal: $ wget http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-firmware/linux-firmware_1.164_all.deb $ sudo dpkg -i linux-firmware*.deb $ sudo modprobe -r ath10k_pci && sudo modprobe ath10k_pci Instructions on: http://www.killernetworking.com/driver-downloads/knowledge-base?view=topic&id=2 ; On the instructions web page, scroll to "Killer 1535/1525/1435 in Ubuntu" section, expand the section, then scroll to "Ubuntu 16.04" Keywords: Linux, Debian Linux, Debian Testing, killer, Eurocom Tornado F5, free software, freedom
  5. Just joined. I am a fellow notebookreviewforum refugee as well. Thanks for setting up this site/forum!!
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