This is a repost from 2017. Posted here so I won't lose this. Some of the links and instructions might be different but the overall approach is sound. 😁
Last week, I (re-)joined the Linux fold on the MSI 16L13 barebones, too.
Install Debian Linux 9.0:
Used firmware-testing-amd64-netinst.iso
Install Killer firmware:
Killer Wireless-AC 1535 was detected by the built-in drivers but Debian 9.0 (Linux kernel 4.9.0-2-amd64) needed the updated firmware files before Killer would work.
Get and run the package from terminal: $ wget $ sudo dpkg -i linux-firmware*.deb $ sudo modprobe -r ath10k_pci && sudo modprobe ath10k_pci
Instructions on: ; On the instructions web page, scroll to "Killer 1535/1525/1435 in Ubuntu" section, expand the section, then scroll to "Ubuntu 16.04"
Keywords: Linux, Debian Linux, Debian Testing, killer, Eurocom Tornado F5, free software, freedom