As far as the AMD stuff goes......
Let me toss some simple facts....
Techtubers are exactly that,,,,,,,a guy that shows tech on a you tube channel.
So lets get this straight. He runs a dual ccd cpu at presumably xmp 7200 and compares it versus a vcache cpu.
First of all dual ccd cpu's have there own inherent problems with using the faster ccd.......
You want to make sure your on frequency ccd then disable the other.
7200 is async and actually probably the worst case scenario you could possibly put a dual ccd cpu in......
literally 6000 sync at that point would be better. Async only starts to edge out 1/1 @ 8000 1/2.
Then we have the timing aspect of non vcache cpu's........guess what timings matter and xmp well is slow. To tight is also slow. But typically you can pull 40 fps gains dialed in.
Now if we are talking out the box reviews sure.....and its a no brainer a vcache cpu is going to win.
I mean lets rewind to 7000 series launch pre x3d launch.......amd's enemy was AMD and the 5800x3d.....
OMG a tech tuber me firsted what anyone with 2 grains of rice for brain cells could have figured out based on ryzen 7 launch reviews.
Last but not least i seem to recall the 7900x doing very poorly in gaming and the 7900x3d doing poorly as well whats this guy using? THE EQUIVALENT.