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Everything posted by chew

  1. slightly better run with some slight changes. was targeting read/latency
  2. Is there an AI i can train that i can use to choke people through the internet? 🤔
  3. well there's 2 templates for AMD. well actually 3 baselines. Better off running A and M operation is dimm or board support dependent with agesa and board. Early in beta testing M would not even post..... A and M.
  4. been there done that already oced all skus. Jufes being jufes. 6gig on ambient delidded. Is it april 1st? Maybe i suck but not even happening at not blow em up volts on 9950 x even at -35. one avx 12 app cuts cb23 down by 200mhz and cb23 doesn't run at 6.0.....
  5. News flash..... reviewers test as is..........and enthusiasts don't. disable ht for gaming on 7800x3d and for 9700x there is only a small portion of games that benefit from ht. cyberpunk....is one Ht off. feel free to use any intel cpu at any mem clock and any vga you want to beat my 7800x3d 4080 in sotr 😉 don't think you will see hw unbox anywhere near me 😉 I don't tune hard to play solitaire 😄
  6. Ambient to - 35 sub zero Ambient A = 6600 1/1 Adie 80001/2 A die 8400 1/2 M die subzero is the rest above those points........ also threw an expo 6000 in there to show how bad performance is nerfed in reviews......
  7. AM5 poor memory clocking.......... More like poor memory over clockers. I'll handle this soon 😉
  8. As far as the AMD stuff goes...... Let me toss some simple facts.... Techtubers are exactly that,,,,,,,a guy that shows tech on a you tube channel. So lets get this straight. He runs a dual ccd cpu at presumably xmp 7200 and compares it versus a vcache cpu. First of all dual ccd cpu's have there own inherent problems with using the faster ccd....... You want to make sure your on frequency ccd then disable the other. 7200 is async and actually probably the worst case scenario you could possibly put a dual ccd cpu in...... literally 6000 sync at that point would be better. Async only starts to edge out 1/1 @ 8000 1/2. Then we have the timing aspect of non vcache cpu's........guess what timings matter and xmp well is slow. To tight is also slow. But typically you can pull 40 fps gains dialed in. Now if we are talking out the box reviews sure.....and its a no brainer a vcache cpu is going to win. I mean lets rewind to 7000 series launch pre x3d launch.......amd's enemy was AMD and the 5800x3d..... OMG a tech tuber me firsted what anyone with 2 grains of rice for brain cells could have figured out based on ryzen 7 launch reviews. Last but not least i seem to recall the 7900x doing very poorly in gaming and the 7900x3d doing poorly as well whats this guy using? THE EQUIVALENT.
  9. Nah its going to benny and lucky noob for memory review/testing.
  10. Quick hash out of a cpu i'm giving away. No gear 4 loving but seems like it will be decent for it's intended purpose.
  11. I'm sure they have. I'm an AMD guy. raiderman and patriot twisted my arm to do some intel stuff.
  12. boo i suck.....needs more work but i got to move on and test other cpu's so will put this one as revisit later to settle this beef.
  13. There not sitting by and letting anything happen, the cpu's like KS are already pulling 450 W unrestrained on ambient....there maxed out. Time for a change. You guys will see soon enough.
  14. I honestly don't pay attention to that dude..... But i went hunting again and 2 tries another 8600 or better cpu, can bench 8600 on tachyon x fine so 😉
  15. I heard from grapevine it's not fond of sub zero. Also heard not fond of A. I'll pretend like i heard nothing and just do what i do though. Find a way. Know nothing yet this is vendor memory test 1......load xmp and go. See what happens when we go full manual. there's 6600 capable and 2233 capable chips out there. I have the cpu's on hand to prove it and they aren't "samples"
  16. Who cares. put extended warranty on cpu and lets go.....
  17. AMD gonna have to do a lot of convincing to make me move from my open box 7800x3d. It can do 6600 64gb 8000+ 64gb And i daily it at a conservative 6200/2233 with 1-2-0 nitro @ very low voltage.
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