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  1. I bought your graphics card to update my system. I have some doubts. With the wx7100 did you have to update the graphics BIOS or do something? The thing is, I have installed it on my m6800, but I have the problem that the fan that cools the graphics card does not turn on to cool it, it only turns on when the CPU is heavily used, that is, Windows detects and I can use the wx7100 but the fan only turns on if the CPU gets hot.
  2. Thanks for your help. I think I found the problem. As you can see in the photo, the power connection cable, the first three pins, seem to be burned. I don't know what could have caused that. The rest of the laptop works fine... I'm going to have to look for a replacement motherboard...
  3. Hi guys. I have a problem with my m6800. It turns out that the original battery does not work. In the BIOS, no battery is detected, and the orange light on the battery icon flashes incessantly. I was about to buy a new battery, and to my surprise the exact same thing happens, the BIOS keeps saying that it does not detect any battery and the orange light is flashing. I also have an m6700, I tested the new battery there and it works fine. This m6700 already had a functional battery, I decided to put that in the m6800 and it doesn't detect it either... so... what can I do? Will I have a problem with the motherboard? all the best
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