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Everything posted by Xeper8x8

  1. Back again. Ive reconsidered getting the MSI 1070 since i think i found one ad have seen more positive reviews about them. Is this, https://www.ebay.com/itm/175327074056 an MSI? If so, what kind of physical modification would i have to do? Im sorry im asking about this alot i just want to get this right and not have to deal with the hassle of returning a item lol.
  2. ok. Driver modding ik i can do because ive done it before for another machine. I just dont touch anything physically like motherboards etc.
  3. I'll just go for the Quadros then which would be this, https://www.ebay.com/itm/325614847772, right? Its local to my country and I dont mind getting pre-owned. And just to confirm, i wouldn't have to modify anything physically with the Quadro right? Also MSI 1070 is mentioned alot on this thread. Not for nothing but like pretty much ever listing i see on EBay says MSI on it so i cannot tell the difference between the 1070s still other than the fact that some cards look different than others but they ALL still say MSI lol I guess it is better that i got for the Quadros then, ay?
  4. i found this local to me, https://www.ebay.com/itm/266438463387, but its open box. Is this good? Wait, lol, what do you mean by that? like i gotta modify a physical part? Because idk if i want to do that because part of the reason why i wanted a GTX 1070 originally was because i was told by someone from another site that i didnt have to modify anything physically and Id only have to worry about modifying software and the bios etc. I kind of want to stay away from modifying anything physically, unless do i have no choice in this matter?
  5. Okay, shwew lol. Had me worried that i might've wasted my money on that. Also you mentioned before that the Vbios is Lenovo. There is a scroll option for Dell in that listing. Or should i just find a dell listing thats in the US? Because i noticed that listing is from China.
  6. https://www.ebay.com/itm/266257260345 this is the heatsink i bought btw if thats relevant.
  7. That would be this, https://www.ebay.com/itm/165792292515, then? What do i do about heatsink? Will it fit? The one i ordered?
  8. Ive been looking around on various pages and various forums and seen alot of ppl mention P4000 and 5000. Are those better than a GTX1070? But I neglected to mention before that i already ordered a custom heatsink for the 1070 from Ebay, so idk if i can even get those at this time since im sure by now the heatsink is sent out already. And yeah, I already know about the need for unlocked bios, but i didnt even get the GPU yet, so ill cross that bridge when i get to it lol. I am aware of most of the steps actually, its just getting the hardware is proving to be more...annoying? lol. I guess im going to have to stick with this one, https://www.ebay.com/itm/164357449828, because i already made a commitment to it by buying the heatsink. The heatsink seller asked my Alienware model and GPU, so im assuming they were customizing it to fit that. I probably should have gotten the GPU first but i thought this GPU confusion wouldn't be an issue since i had my sights on the 1070 before the confusion lol. Only thing that worries me is someone on here bought from that same seller and had issues with theirs because it was from China (which like 99.5 % of them are from China), but they had an R1. Maybe my R2 will be different? I guess ill just have to take the leap of faith like an adult and if worse comes to worse i will just send it back and get a refund.
  9. I have an Alienware m18x R2. My GPU (660m) is dying and have no choice but to replace it and figured this would be a good opportunity to actually upgrade it to something alot better. I know this machine can run a GTX 1070 without having to mess around with the motherboard physically, so i plan in using that. My question is about the selling/buying of the GPU's themselves. I have this one saved to my watchlist on Ebay, https://www.ebay.com/itm/164357449828, is this the correct one to get? Because theres another two, https://www.ebay.com/itm/164818931111?hash=item265ff94da7:g:LzwAAOSwWSVeFdFU&_trksid=p5731.m3795, (from the same seller) and then this one, https://www.ebay.com/itm/115930910510?hash=item1afe054f2e:g:iwwAAOSwqGZk7iLA&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAABEKoFxMe1c2fU1Oo1L2DkI0VoPI%2BNlE7CvZ2FLxkVeZR0PR7RamtMIpiJuTylbE5Z0mgQb2MT65NrQX5PP5qgYfc%2FQ1IQtvIKZVbVRp%2FviksSyojg8%2BT9nunM5ThOJRWVZCSllNcZLoMhsht3xW86Q0GZN6jf4lo1zByCyzYB4lHmz1G2KoAaBJ2Pn%2FjIwalM7KwQOj5lbbecpQ%2BDlocLQScSDrxZxKBSnkTs85Hkh3LTcV%2Bu9uyJtBNztvxow78q03uo9X38Rp5kub8UKWOuTzoYtTSgLQPQlbNSOrQN9%2BwZDoud2Hk4ek3xr90X4BJozYsQnL9aaz0W%2FzMdzLBJ9jIVG5ZP2k5BPwNwLgeQj025|tkp%3ABk9SR-69rLPhYg, that one that looks very different. Also i noticed there was a GTX1060 where the card looked like the first link i posted, but was way more expensive (couldn't find the link to that). Why is that? I am very confused with all of this because theres so much listings and so many different cards. So which 1070 one is the most compatible for my system?
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