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saturnotaku last won the day on August 17 2023

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  1. You can't just put macOS onto an iPad Pro because all but the 1-2 TB models only have 8 GB of RAM. iPadOS is generally a flaming pile, but one of the few things it's good as is being well-optimized for low amounts of onboard memory. Now if Apple can engineer some kind of "macOS Lite" that would be optimized for the iPad, that would be something. Then they could have a more advanced version, eg macOS Pro, for their actual computers.
  2. I signed up for the NVIDIA waitlist for the lulz. Not expecting anything to come of it, but since that's the case, I'll probably end actually securing one.
  3. Compal? That's a name I haven't read about in at least a dozen years. Had no idea they were still kicking around.
  4. HMU if you're going to sell your 4090. That's the way I think I'll go when I eventually undergo a complete platform upgrade, probably later this year with a Core Ultra 300 series.
  5. HUB called it a 4090 Ti, and that's the perfect descriptor.
  6. Arc isn't well optimized for older DirectX 9-10 era games. It's a hardware problem more than a software one. That said, assuming your motherboard also supports resizable BAR, I would still probably get the A580 over the 6 GB RTX 3050 purely out of spite for NVIDIA sticking its thumb in the collective eye of the consumer. Today also marks the official launch of Battlemage, with the mid-range B580 ($250) and B570 ($220) coming later this month and in mid-January, respectively. The completely overhauled architecture looks like it will deliver significant performance improvements over Alchemist. B580 seems like it will compete more with the RTX 4060 than the 4060 Ti as was rumored. I think those expectations were a bit too lofty, though.
  7. With discounts from Stack Social, you can buy several lifetime licenses for AdGuard for less than what one month of YT Premium costs. I know a lot of folks don't like running extra software on their machines, but it's the most effective way to skirt the Google panopticon.
  8. Stuff from my most recent shopping adventures: Gigabyte RTX 4070 Super: Got this open-box from Best Buy for less than what a vanilla 4070 would have cost. Box was beat up, but the card was in perfect condition. Fans run super quiet with no perceptible coil whine. Gives slightly better performance than my RTX 3080 while having 2 GB more VRAM and consuming 100W less power. MSI G274QPF 1440p/180 Hz monitor: Bought at Costco to replace a no-name Chinese monitor with similar specs that started failing after just a couple months. Said Chinese company's support wasn't particularly helpful, and they have no US presence to return for RMA so I'm going to take the financial loss on the chin. So far the MSI is working well. I like that it doesn't have any RGB nonsense and there's a Type-C input, though oddly, no built-in USB hub so you can't use it as a one-cable solution for a laptop. 2011 17-inch MacBook Pro: Purchased from Vintage Computer Fest Midwest last weekend. I had its 15-inch counterpart back in the day, and while I consider it the best computer I've ever owned, I always wanted the 17. Aside from some dirt and a few nicks, the chassis is in surprisingly good condition, at least relative to similar ones I've seen for sale on fleBay. The battery even holds a charge, though I still plan to replace it. The seller "modded" it to run Big Sur, but I'm going to remove it in favor of a more era-appropriate OS that can still run 32-bit applications and games. Overall, not a bad buy for $75.
  9. There apparently exists an MXM version of the RTX 4060. Fast forward to about the 10:45 mark of this video to see it:
  10. About six months ago, Comcast came out and replaced some of the old wiring that was running from the outside box to our house. Unfortunately, they didn't bury the cable underground far enough so the crew who was aerating our lawn yesterday sliced the main cable. As such, we're without TV or Internet access so I'll be spending until at least tomorrow afternoon hot-spotting through my phone.
  11. WTF? To do the same on our two Hondas, all you have to do is pull the glovebox past its normal stopping point, which is easily done by pinching the sides to release the tabs; unclip the air filter retention plate, again easy as it's just two pinch clips; remove and replace the filter; reverse the previous steps and Bob's your uncle. When I had my 2020 GMC Terrain, replacing the engine and cabin air filters was also a pain. The conspiracy theorist in me says this is being done intentionally by General Motors because they want you to pay inflated dealer prices for routine maintenance items.
  12. Should the 7600X3D come out, I don't expect that will happen any time soon unless it's a limited release to get rid of "old" silicon like the 5600X3D was.
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