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cylix last won the day on November 6 2023

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  1. Pff, this is sad. How the mighty has fallen... I wonder if we will find out why EVGA went so hard down. I heard that the owner didnt want to sell out but right now looks like just a derelict ship waiting to sink. No swan song for them. @electrosoft yeah ill get the 9000 but waiting for some more infos on the x3d chips, there are some rumors that both ccds will be the same with cache lvls. That will be awesome if true.
  2. I will be switching for sure for a x870 board and new memory which i think well be EXPO 6400 at least. I am now on the b650 and a new gen x870e will be a good upgrade. Until now i like the Gigabyte x870e Aourus Pro ICE, clean white MB which will pass nice for my white build. But lets see what MSI brings out.
  3. Thanks brother you too aswell, on Thursday ill have the biggest hurdle as a father until now. The oldest son, hes 4 and he will have Tonsils and Nasal Polyps removed. Hes allergic and sadly cannot breath at night well, hes snoring and gasping for air, we tried cortisol spray for a month and didnt help so surgery is the last resort. I know is a standard surgery but boy do I have some strong feelings...Even on my own surgeries over the years or any family member i wasnt so restless like now. I guess this are father/parents worries and it will not be the last one. I just want the day to be over 😐
  4. They sure look good and very nice hardware, to bad they are EATX and i cannot mount them and keep the GPU Vertical in the EVO O11 DX. Thats the reason that i didnt get the X670 Carrera White Edition back when i was looking for HW.
  5. LOL, bye bye gaming gpus πŸ˜„ Intel also on the AI Craze
  6. Some new rumors of the new AMD chip. https://wccftech.com/amd-ryzen-granite-ridge-zen-5-desktop-cpu-leak-5-8-ghz-19-percent-faster-7950x/
  7. Oh man, forgot about the launch. I was really waiting the PC version of this so bad. Ill buy it in the weekend and play it.
  8. Well well Asus style. "Let's get quick something out , well worry later about it" Some Intel CPUs lost 9% of their performance almost overnight https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/intel-baseline-profile-tested/
  9. Thx ill do that , i also modded resolution, it doesnt know about ultrawide but i found on nexus a mod do add the 5120x1440 res :D. There is a lot to do in the game, it can suck you for hours. I hated the game at the beginning because of the lack of content and bugs. Now its enjoyable but those Bethseda bugs are still around 🀣
  10. Yep, welcome to Germany the Social welfare State πŸ˜„πŸ€£ Tooo much social crap, but the Pregnant policy is top notch i have to say. My wife was 2 years in parental leave and i was also 2 months off. You get 1 year Paid salary like 67% of normal wage, but other social stuff like free Healthcare, rent you get covered the whole parental leave 😁. Also if you have an unlimited work contract the employer is obligated to take you back in the firm after the end of the parental leave. You can take up to 3 years of that πŸ™‚ @electrosoft Damn amazon did a very good job with the Fallout Show, is top notch and baited me with the free Fallout 76 game.. It got me hooked 🀣. I am lvl 43. See ya in the Wasteland 😁
  11. New rumors that 5090 will launch this year 🫣🫠. How hard do you think it will be to get one? I am contemplating to sell my 4090 now and get some good money on it as to wait until 5090 will reach the market, probably it will lose a chunk off value then... I dont play that much anymore only some not demanding games like diablo 4 and battlefield 2042, games that i can run on the 3080 Asus Turdbook or get a 3070 or 3080 until 5090. But i dont want to not be able to get one on launch date or short after that.. https://wccftech.com/nvidia-geforce-rtx-5090-rtx-5080-blackwell-gpus-launch-q4-2024-rumor/
  12. I have a Artic 240 III bought and installed on a secondary system i can tell aswell what the users are saying about them, the QC of artic is shit! The pump is doing strange sounds from time to time and you can hear water splashes inside the aio...also the mount system on AMD is really bad designed, but gamer nexus said about that. But no review said anything about QC ..probably they got special units...
  13. But its looks so good when i am gonna pair it with the 20 E case i still wait to be deliverd 🀣. I am also looking foward to be amazed from the BIOS on this chinese MB, but i have to give them to them. They really can build cheap stuff from nothing :D. Will do, when the system is up and ready, and the house still stands ill put some pics up. Maybe i can override this bios and put some OC on that chip. Its the J version and it should go to 4500 if the VRMs dont pop up πŸ˜„ . Need to buy some VRM heatsinks first 🀣
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