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Everything posted by triggy

  1. So i did a little more research into the 980, and there's 2 versions of the 980M. Which one are you referring to? ( I really hope its the one with more cores)
  2. gotcha, seems like im gonna have to get a new ssd, which isnt that bad considering black friday sales are going on. Also, what are some ESSENTIAL upgrades you would recommend? I know i should get some good thermal paste and pads (I plan to get a PTM7950 for the CPU and GPU main die, but idk what to get for the smaller parts of them, what thermal pads would you recommend for those?
  3. also another thing, i have a 2tb m.2 drive in my current laptop that i would like to reuse, would something like this work?
  4. Na, it's just i found an insanely good deal ($80) on one and it's comparable performance wise to a 1660 super while the only other """affordable""" ($180 so only if they accept an insane lowball) one comparable to it i could find is the p4000, which is around gtx 1060 (desktop) performance.
  5. So, if I understand correctly, for Windows, all Pascal VBIOS are borked except for the engineering sample. But since there isn’t one for the P3200, it’s impossible to get it working on Windows without delving into the depths of complex stuff like ACPI tables. Also, since the P3200 doesn’t have EEPROM to store the VBIOS (from my research it's on the mobo the card came with), and you’d need to attach an EEPROM to get the VBIOS on the card. So, how does the P3200 work flawlessly on Linux if it doesn’t have the VBIOS on the card? Apologies if my questions are bad or annoying, I’m new to all this.
  6. Hey i've been diving into the depths of the internet and found that i would likely need to solder on EEPROM to get it to work in windows using the engineering sample vbios. Also, why is it that only windows has problems with these cards and linux doesn't? I Couldn't find a definite answer. But if it works perfectly on linux, I think it would be easier to just run a windows VM and give it direct access to the hardware, as the CPU and mobo supports VT-d and vpro from what i've researched. Idk how vbios and all that works through virtualization, but im hoping it would be easier to fix or get working (apparently i can have qemu load a custom vbios on the VM's boot).
  7. I use my current laptop's 2tb ssd on linux for all my games and have a separate windows partition with like 300gb just for like 2 games and anything else that is a real struggle to get working. I just really really don't want to have to seperate those games onto another system just to be able to play them.
  8. Hello everyone, I recently purchased an M6800 for $140 (plus an extra $20 for shipping). Its supposed to come with a i7-4810 and a brand new EDP display and new SSD. (Side note: did I get a good deal or did I get ripped off? 😅) Now, onto the main topic. while I wait for it to arrive, I’ve been doing some research on the compatibility of the P3200 with the M6800. I’ve come across some posts showing Pascal cards have trouble running on Windows but work fine on linux. Now I mainly use linux, but this is a tad bit concerning as I do want the card to work on Windows for a handful of games (a whole 2 games to be exact). I saw that the P5000 and those cards do work fine with the engineering sample vbios but IDK if that would work with the p3200. Additionally, I’m wondering if the card or heatsink would require any modification for the heatsink to work with the P3200, cuz i know for some cards you have to dremel a part out on the heatsink which i wouldnt be opposed to doing. Any insights or experiences you could share would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance for your help! (also sorry if anything i say is wrong or im breaking any forum rules ((I couldnt find them 😞 )) im also a novice when it comes to working on laptops so bear with me.)
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