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Everything posted by SolitaryMassacre

  1. Hell yeah. That is awesome. I kind of already do this as I have a loft bed and I strap my charger brick to the metal frame simply cause I want it off my desk. The frame helps dissipate the heat. Since it works passively without the fans on, would this work a little better because it has more metal/surface area? A fan can be added later if needed. I personally was gonna take mine apart and 3d print a new case for it with added heatsinks, but damn if that is working for you with continuous 400W draw - I'll just do this instead. Zip tie the heatsink to it and that would be it ha. Man this is awesome. Also, can I do the shunt mod without removing the CPU/GPU heatsink? You said the shunt resistor is on the other side of the board so I would think so? I plan on doing a respread later but I guess I should/could just do it all at once
  2. First off, thanks for the reply! You rock!! And yes - I don't ever go above 70C+ that is what I meant, like I hardly ever see the temps even in the upper 60C region. It stays about in the 65C region as you mentioned. And by bigger - you mean in size not resistance right? Thanks again man. Such an awesome job And yeah, that makes sense that it shuts off after about 30 min. I wonder if we can mod that as well to handle the higher wattage without getting so hot. Maybe a heatsink mod or transistor mod? Not too sure exactly what gets hot in a power supply - i always thought it was the transistors
  3. Hello Made an account just because of this thread lol I have the same laptop and have been wanting to shunt mod after my warranty expires. I just have a question - how can the laptop charging brick be pulling 400W when the max output it can do is 330W? Won't this cause the charging brick to get extremely hot? And would you be willing to list the resistors you used and where the shunt resistors are located? Would I be able to go to the same 250W GPU like you did on my machine? This is insane and very awesome. I was upset the GPU was capped to such a low wattage. I hardly reach 70C+ on my GPU temps, it has so much room for potential
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