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  1. Thanks for the info. I’ve already found an older version of xtu that works with 3rd gen cpus so I’m already on my way to trying it lol.
  2. I do enjoy tinkering with older hardware despite most of the time it leading to frustration lol. I think for the price of $83 CAD for the 3920 I might just pick one up and if I get bored I’ll throw it in and mess around. I currently have an offer on one for $70cad or roughly $50usd so we’ll see what happens.
  3. Hmm. 4.1-4.2 all core seems to be what people have settled on, I was hoping to see like 4.4. So now is that 100-200mhz worth the effort, cost and extra temperature. Benchmarking it would make a difference but I doubt it’s a noticeable difference in actual gaming especially with modern games pushing all the cores. My 3840qm is set at 42,41,40,40 and it runs in the low to mid 70 degrees in most games and I the max I’ve seen was 81.
  4. That doesn’t sound promising when my 3840qm sits at 4.1 on 1-2 cores and 4.0 all core and sits at 82 degrees while gaming.
  5. I guess the real question I should be asking is what are your guys everyday gaming overclocks on these chips? I don’t really care about max oc since I don’t do much benchmarking but I am hoping for a decent boost over 4ghz to help out the 1080 in the cpu limited games.
  6. Looking for an upgrade for m18x r2 which currently has a 3840qm @ 4.0ghz all core. I asked this question in another forum awhile back and was told the 3920xm seemed to have more oc headroom, is that true? The price of these chips are half the cost compared to the last time I thought about upgrading so I’ll probably go through with it this time lol. I already have a 3 heat pipe cooler, 32gb 1866mhz ram, gtx 1080, Samsung 512gb nvme, and ax210 so this would be the remaining upgrade for my system I’ve had since release.
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