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Everything posted by Raven

  1. So my 3080 works perfectly fine with the caveat that I do not currently have a heatsink capable of well, Operating with it, It was instantly picked up in windows
  2. I don't know if you got yours from the same seller I got mine in but! It had a lot of dried thermal paste smeared in odd spots so I've spent a fair bit of time cleaning it up and checking it over, After-all I don't get any 'do-overs' so to speak, I will be installing it sometime in the next 24 hours to see how we go, I've also dropped down too a single stick of 32GB of ram and reset the bios to make sure I have the least issue's possible while checking things over.
  3. Anywhere that isn't taobao that sells it?
  4. If we could get access to that, We could use things like https://coral.ai/products/m2-accelerator-dual-edgetpu/, Maybe not that one specifically since that one is keyed wrong but we could use things like that and it would be amazing for Acceleration of AI specific tasks. Also my 3080 has arrived finally and I shall be getting it on thursday, now if @Developer79 can provide details of how their brackets work, Pictures of said brackets, Or a place to purchase said brackets that would be great, Otherwise I will be doing an initial "does it turn on" test and then making my own.
  5. I am fairly sure there are MXM adapter boards to support NVME m.2 slots so we can use Tensor based Addin cards on that slot if we want.
  6. I never said you did? been there done that, zero response. same 3080 that I have on the way, It's shipping is taking forever though. On a different topic, I would of liked to of seen AMD continue on and make some current gen MXM cards since Nvidia is trying their best to get rid of it when there really is no need to get rid of the MXM formfactor as a standard. I will point out that despite it being low end and being type A https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/partner/showcase/offering/a5b3b0000004g2yAAA/adlink-mxmaxe-mxm-31-type-a-module-based-on-intel-arc-gpu.html Intel has an Arc GPU on MXM, Maybe Intel will start putting higher tier things on MXM?
  7. Don't bother asking, everytime I have mentioned or asked for pictures or anyhting else I never get a response out of them that actually involves or includes those, They've also mentioned they had them for sale/developed them but I still havn't seen them so I honestly don't know. I currently have 3 heatsinks and will modify one if I must in order to get it to work, The main concern is the Bios, Anything else is secondary. It's currently still in transport as-well, everything takes forever to get too australia.
  8. Can you briefly explain what you mean? I didn't understand your text Can you please point out the part you don't understand as the entire post is very clear and obvious.
  9. So I found a cheap 3080 and pulled the trigger and it should arrive very soon, Here's hoping one of my heatsinks works, I wouldn't of normally of pulled the trigger but it was cheap and I've recently gotten myself a nice bonus. And with tax time around the corner it'll be time to get that panel. Does anyone know what kind of screws the CPU Mount uses so I can get some replacements as they are unfortunately starting to round ou.
  10. Perhaps for places that ship to EU or America but I can't find any that ship to Australia so I am probably going to go to the other one. Can you link a cable to use with the B173ZAN03.3 I would also like to know if there are any tear down guides for the Panel enclosure as I've never had to take it apart.
  11. So the panel on my machine got damaged in an unfortunate accident and has a small but annoying scratch on it, Entirely my fault, but this does mean it's time to buy a panel sooner rather than later. I was initially going to order https://www.panelook.com/B173ZAN06.C_AUO_17.3_LCM_overview_60027.html the 4k 144hz HDR1000 compliant panel from aliexpress but they have dissappeared I have found sellers selling https://www.panelook.com/B173ZAN03.3_AUO_17.3_LCM_overview_45254.html wich is 4k 120HZ no HDR but I can deal with that for a reasonable price. I think someone here is already running one of these as-well so It should just be a drop in and go
  12. Not bad, What's it's over-all power draw after your shunt mod and before it?
  13. What are your temps like at full load on that 3080
  14. What version did that end up being, Did it happen to include a 128GB + Thunderbolt ram fix? If yes, Anywhere I can donate and request a copy? And no there are no changes too it, Even when trying to for example force less than 1V it still wont change, So either I'm doing something wrong, Or it's just not accepting it or something else is at play.
  15. I have done all of the things no changes at all.
  16. I'm not misunderstanding what anyone is saying, But people seem to be mis understanding what I am saying especially when I have repeated it. I don't have voltage control it's not supported. Adjusting these does nothing. To repeat the only solutions I have are 1) Use the older drivers and power limit to 180W this is a loss of 1-2% and frequency is still mostly the same but lose access to newer drivers because for some reason newer drivers cant use the power limit slider. 2) Use a -500mhz offset and it still pulls 170 watts and I lose a ~LOT~ of performance. I am looking for a solution to use newer drivers since this 2080S does not appear to have voltage control support it's locked down. Now, Is it locked down because one of the following? 1) I've used NVCLEANSTALL 2) I've used the wrong over-ride in NVCLEANSTALL 3) I've missed something and made an error 4) This card just doesn't have it Is what i'm trying to figure out, Maybe someone who does the driver mods the traditional way might still have access to those, but current guides for those seem lacklustre and not up to date hence why I used Nvlceanstall to do the driver mod for me.
  17. The frequency actually didn't drop at all when on older drivers when limiting from 200 to 180W maybe at best 20mhz. I can't alter the voltage at all on this, There is no accessible voltage control on MSI afterburner and in order to keep it under 180W I have to apply a -500Mhz frequency adjustment. Anything after a specific driver mentioned earlier in this thread locks out Power control even in the Nvidia commandline, I don't know if that's specific to my way of installing modded drivers (NVCLEANSTALL) Or because Nvidia made a change.
  18. Not bad not bad at all. I got all 128 to run at 3200mhz which is amazing, Boot times are still a good 2 minutes due to initialization but it is what it is. You wouldn't happen to know of a way to power limit with newer drivers, this 2080S works well but I can't limit it to 180W on newer drivers and a sustained load over 180W for more than 10 minutes or so results in a system hard reset and I still can't find the culprit for that.
  19. Hoping that this will solve a few problems when I order mine
  20. Nah, So with 2 sticks in, It would detect SPD and XMP profiles and auto apply max settings, But with 4 sticks in (all the same model) it wont read the SPD and XMP profiles at all and just default to 2400, Even in windows I can't read the SPD with CPU-Z when 4 sticks are in. But I manually set them to 3200mhz and it's running with it and having no issues at all, It still takes forever to start up but that's not so bad. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002802776587.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.1.59bfbf0feDRTGW&algo_pvid=632a5593-06c2-4381-add1-45b85ee06213&algo_exp_id=632a5593-06c2-4381-add1-45b85ee06213-0&pdp_npi=4%40dis!AUD!189.66!154.53!!!122.41!99.74!%402101fb1217113309022622403ea8f1!12000022259296715!sea!AU!0!AB&curPageLogUid=vMy44DhEoHaf&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch|query_from%3A Is what I'm planning on getting or something similar to that, As I will be using various devices from time to time and I have a spare ATX PSU laying around. So anything from AI Accelerator cards, To Large scale GPU's to 10G Nics depending on the project that I'm working on at the time will go into it so long as I can get it to run I don't really care, As I said I don't need it's display out capability only access to the Thunderbolt PCIE lanes.
  21. Before you replied I actually tried a custom profile setting it to 3200mhz and it's been rock solid stable with no issues even on a high workload, I have to wonder what is being 'disabled' in the bios to make that message show up. I only care about the PCIE component of thunderbolt, not the display component, My external enclosure will be a 10G Nic and sometimes a few other cards depending on my workload, Display output is fine, I am still planning on ordering a 4k display for the main display but only after the IETS GT600
  22. These are Crucial sticks specifically Crucial 32GB (1x32GB) CT32G4SFD832A 3200MHz For some reason it seems to struggle to read the SPD from them, When I had just two of them in there it would go straight to 3200mhz and not care, I think it's just the extra load on the IMC I have the standard Prema bios for these, I do not have the Dsanke bios or know where to get it from a reliable source, i've heard there is a bios that allows you to use 128GB and keep the Thunderbolt system enabled, I will be using a Thunderbolt enclosure in the future so that would be nice. Any comment on the IETS GT600?
  23. With 2x 32GB 3200mhz sticks, It took me next to zero time to boot into windows, With 4x sticks that depending on their mood run at 3200mhz, 2800 or 2400, Not sure whwat's going on, It can take up to 3 minutes and it often behaves wierd at boot time, I'll be investigating it as I go along. Going to order one of these: https://www.amazon.com.au/IETS-Equipped-Turbo-Fan(5-5inch-Diameter)-14-1-19-3/dp/B0CDC3XW44/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2BQJY911UMX6F&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Bh8AVdBVd3eQ4yNc1syDJtJsiUtUPACDNu0-N1kJvAQei3JqSN7aAARbwm8pe5SSwW2IQWJ8NtbCRTg7yXtF-hPRkIqq8jaqAGmbga4lCHLcCE6GzljSRcP-P5n_ZrjIUpXkqttYaYcl28g6sMXupo2ln7dnFBcXQ93w0PDCNI6rmEGRJ-g9h6jp6k2gs-W9zs2plLntsrHtuTnF29xiu0JBTeH15vDAT3Y6jZNlaIjz8r_e6y033lAiLYVTkEiOLZUzwvyxBzb4IuLnzwEtbeD28DfLt3A2k8bm97KofeM.C5a63CmDKMZjthNM29zRiXHYMNePivbtDEgk7-PxuCc&dib_tag=se&keywords=iets%2Bgt%2B600&qid=1711127464&sprefix=iets%2Bgt%2B60%2Caps%2C295&sr=8-2&th=1 unless someone says otherwise. Then after that my 4k panel.
  24. So, I found a limitation, 128GB of Ram and this happens.
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