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Everything posted by nicholas1020
Falinov thank you for taking the time out to explain how the mod works, I would really like to try out that modification it does sound pretty awesome. I didn't try to overclock the gpu but I though maybe overclocking cpu would help, my fault I know I didn't specify. I had 4710mq 2.5 ghz. I overclocked to 3.5 on all cores and almost gained an extra 10 fps in re4 remake. Though I am sure that my current performance is being hindered by the pwr threshold and I think maybe even thermals because my temps lock off at 84 degrees but never surpass that. It seems as though my wattage and base clock drop when I hit that 84. Granted it does say the operating Temps for the rtx 5000 is 93 degrees so it mainly just speculation at this point(:
Hey Falinov I was wanting to ask a quick question out of curiosity in regards to the resistor mod. I understand it's supposed to allow hp cards and some other gpus to pull more power to the card. But what I don't yet understand is why some other gpus wouldn't receive the same added benefit from having done the modification? I appreciate ya I feel like I've learned a lot since I've carried out this project. It really has been a lot of fun and has certainly kept me busy(:
Sorry fellas I know I haven't posted any updates in a hot minute. I did overcome my previous framerate issues by overclocking the cpu, my cpu was bottlenecking pretty hard. though it only solves part of the problem. Currently I am in the process of installing arctic thermal pads and paste to hopefully overcome the thermal throttle i'm getting in game. Also making minor adjustments to the mxm lifters and adjusting them to perfectly align with my gpu. Also creating more clearance between my heatsink and lcd because it does put pressure on the heatsink when I install it. The goal is to polish up my work in such a way you would have though the laptop was build that way out of the box. I still have plans on incorporating the resistor mod just haven't got around to it yet but I will keep everybody posted on any new development and hopefully everything works when I put it all back together(:
Hello everyone its been a little bit since my last update I have some benchmark results to post(: After extensive testing in pursuit of finding a problem and a workable solution I have followed ssj92 tutorial on driver installation, I can confirm my drivers do in fact work and are validated. I ran two games prior to running the time spy and fire strike benchmark. I ran MSI Afterburner to view gpu frames, power draw, vram usage and temps in re4 remake and the Dead Space remake. In each instance MSI Afterburner displays a prompt LIM Power, Voltage, and Temperature similar to what is display on a screen shot I took off of the firestrike benchmark. I though maybe the major downclocks I'm receiving could be attributed to a thermal throttle but I tried to eliminate this as possibility by ramping all my fans on max as well as placing my laptop onto of a fan blowing cold air on max, lol a lot I know but I had to know for sure. These benchmark results have been taking with these cooling conditions implemented to see what scores I may land in order to figure out if I have a bottleneck somewhere preventing me from hitting that 60fps in game or if its being caused by thermal throttling or even a lack of power somewhere. I am using a 330 watt power supply from dell, thank you everyone for taking the time and the effort out to help me in advance! If everything point to a lack of power I'm can certainly try what ssj92 and Falinov had suggested on implementing a resistor mod for an increase in power delivery if necessary and ill order the resistor and test it with the rtx 5000 if everything point to a power issue(: Additionally as its not listing in the benchmark I am running a standard hdd, no ssd at the moment and 16 gb ram sticks unmodified! Edit: I just ran re4 remake and lowered the resolution down to the lowest resolution and lowest graphical setting and I'm still not landing a solid 60 fps, solid 30 but not 60fps. Perhaps this could be point to a cpu bottleneck? I'm gonna try a cpu overclock and see if that makes any difference in fps!(:
Thank you Falinov I removed it, got everything working but your were totally right about the framerate. I'm having trouble pulling steady frames in some titles. I get fps jumps, and if I quit out of the game and lunch it again or another game the frames will sometimes be lower. Restarting the system seems to fix this sometimes but I'm not rly sure what's causing those issues(:
It's a gtx 970m
Hello everyone, some of you guys may have followed my post on the rtx 5000 install. I just have a few hiccups I would like to try to fix. Do any of you guys have issues installing nvidia drivers through a normal setup. I had to install inf through device manager to get the drivers to install. But even after getting them installed I feel like I'm not getting the performance out of the card I was expecting. I feel as though I get very large frame fluctuations in some games. My best guess might be that maybe the card is either not getting enough power or installing the drivers through device manager the way I did could be the cause. Maybe the drivers aren't entirely functional I don't get dlss options in any games. Has anyone experienced issues like these with an rtx card.
Welp fellas everything has been put back together tried and tested and seems to work well for the most part. Temps are in range idle and over load. I couldn't get a regular nvidia installer to correctly install my gpu drivers. I tried to force compatibility by modifying the inf file but even then the driver installed incorrectly and appeared as being corrupt in device manager. I opted to installing the gpu drivers by installing inf files through device manager. Everything appears to work now, though I do get pretty big frame inconsistencies in games, idk if there's a fix for any of that. Dlss doesn't appear in any I'm game setting either but hopefully these are some little quirks I can fix in time. Here is a pick of the final results(:
Welp fellas it had been battle and a half, had taken lots of time and pretty good chunk of change in tools and what not but here is the test fit fellas I gotta throw some thermal paste on the gpu and thermal pads on the vrms. But before any of that I'm gonna remove some of that solder of the top of the copper pipe and polish the heatsink and copper pipes. What can I say though I was pretty excited to give the boys a long awaited update on the project. So here we are fellas we did it(: hopefully everything works when I get the alienware 18 back together but I think this is a big fat W for the books boys😃👍
Can the two screw mounts near the mxm slot be removed easily? I would like to remove both of them and place them in a different location to accommodate an rtx card then lock them in place with some adhesive.
Hey everyone it's been a long time coming but it seems like the pieces are starting to fall into place. I just got the rtx 5000 in the mail and the new heatsink. I'm still waiting on some soldering equipment to come in but im really excited to get started! So far I've disembled my AW18 and have removed the old gpu and heatsink. But may need some help figuring out what tool would work best to remove the gpu holders on the left and on the right side of the mxm slot. Then lastly may need pics of the tools and metal bits required to shape out the new heatsink so I can then desolder the copper pipes from the old heatsink and fit them snug on to the new one! I know I keep saying it Falinov, Aldarxt, nforce4max and any one viewing this post you guys are awesome and I really appreciate all of you taking the time out to help me out(:
Thank you everybody for reaching out to help me out I really appreciate all of you(: I do happen to have the HP variant of the RTX 5000 out of a Zbook 17 G6. I read through the comments and there is a lot of good input here that's really gonna help me out with this project. I also really liked Falinov idea on modifying and repurpossing a RTX 5000 heatsink to fit the AW18. I do have a quick question for you Falinov. Could you link to the same or to a similar heatsink you use on your AW18? After I purchase the heatsink what modifications did you have to do to the heatsink to get it to fit? Lastly and most importantly I know I already thanked everyone here but I want to thank everyone again for taking the time out to help me out. I've been wanting to do this for a little while now and after having got a decent deal on a card it's looking like it could happen sooner than later(:
Hello everyone I'm super excited to say I have finally scooped up an rtx 5000 mxm on ebay. I'm a little concerned about the installation. I read that somebody had installed one and had to modify the heat sink and do some cutting to get the thing installed. Hopefully it all goes smoothly I will post an installation update when I get my card in the mail(:
Hello everyone I had bought an Alienware 18 with the intent of upgrading the system to accommodate a rtx gpu and a 8tb nvme ssd. I had seen a post where someone had allegedly installed an rtx 5000 into one of the machines two mxm slots. However I am wondering if going this route would be optimal or if I should entertain the idea of getting a different rtx gpu? Question for those running rtx cards at the moment, is the cpu bottleneck overly apparent when running modern titles? Ideally I would like to upgrade my machine with a rtx card that has over 8gb in vram that is capable of running the new dead space remake at a steady framerate of at least 60fps ultra at 1080p. Thank you(:
Hi TruenoG7 I just got the unlocked bios flashed over, thank you so much(:
Hello guys I have an alienware 18 R1 (2014) I want to install an unlocked bios on to give me a little more flexibility. I was wondering if anyone knows if it would be feasible to downgrade this machine from bios version A14 down to A12 and maybe describe what the process would entail. I wanted to reach out because I'm having a hard time finding relevant info on this topic! Thank you(: