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Everything posted by rusvon

  1. 😄 lol congratulations, It made me happy to think that I was useful for something. I think I'm obsessed with this topic. I take my time and constantly research to get the best results. I'm trying to find out if it would be practically possible to make the RTX Quadro 3000 compatible with PEG mode with the vbios arrangement that ssj92 mentioned. I have not been able to remove and test the 120Hz panel coded C02 from my second computer yet. I'm still investigating whether it can be boosted to 144Hz or higher. But instead of learning something new, I think I'm just confusing myself even more 😄 Let's see...
  2. Since I will be installing a 120Hz screen, I need to choose Pascal cards. Even though you said that Pascals do not work at 120hz, in any case, 120hz, 144hz etc. from these screens. I need to install one. This is my primary goal. The reason I chose M17x instead of M18x was to make a device with a high screen refresh rate. He also disagrees with the idea that 880m and above cards will not support edp 120hz. Many articles with the 1070 installed have already stipulated the use of the EDP 120hz display feature. I don't understand the purpose of claiming the exact opposite.
  3. Hi I read the description, and although it initially excited me, I could not find an article that was tried and tested in practice. Loading 2k 165hz or 1080p 240hz on R4 is more incredible for me than having a 4090+480hz device :D. But I have no idea how this is possible. If one of the new type screens is installed on the R4, do you think that converter device will cause incompatibility problems with the mobo and GPU?
  4. @sliderfra Do you have knowledge about this subject? I have M17x R4, it has gtx680m and 3840qm 60hz 1080p hardware. I want to install a 120hz panel and P5000 graphics processor. However, it is said that Pascal GPUs do not support this. Doesn't it support 3D display? Or 120hz screen?
  5. As you know, panels such as 240hz and 360hz are preferred for smoother and professional playing of FPS games such as Counter Strike Valorant Apex Legend Fortnite. My goal is to play a smoother game by installing a screen with a 120hz refresh rate, not 60hz. I don't need Optimus 3D etc. If you mentioned that Pascal gpu does not only support 3D, sorry if I misunderstood due to my bad English.
  6. But this is ridiculous. I have already learned from the topics below that Pascal GPUs work with 120 Hz EDP. I've been researching for years. I've seen these upgrades made in many forums. Now I don't understand how it is said that this is not possible. Was it all a lie? https://archive.is/DMEbB https://www.techinferno.com/index.php?/topic/12523-alienware-m17x-r4-gtx1070-upgrade-successfull/ https://www.techinferno.com/index.php?/topic/10982-m17x-r4-gtx-1060-upgrade/ https://www.nbrchive.net/xfa/alienware-17-and-m17x.1079/A wrap up for GTX 10x0 mxm cards upgrade on M17x R4 --- Schrodinger's nVidia/ https://www.nbrchive.net/xfa/alienware-17-and-m17x.1079/M17x R4 1070 Succesfull Upgrade 2020 (Tutorial)/ In each title, it is specifically stated that 120hz and EDP connection are required for Pascal GPUs. While there are many successful projects implemented with Pascal GPU, I cannot understand being told that there is no EDP and 120hz support.
  7. What is the reason? Could this issue be related to an issue with your device? This is the first time I've heard of such a thing, I know that normally 120Hz PEG mode runs all models up to Pascal GPUs.
  8. Yes, it is stated in many articles when it is not compatible with C01. Still, I have the opportunity to try. If there is no possibility of burning the motherboard, I will try it. I don't understand what you want to say. Don't every m17x r4 model have a GPU upgrade? I was thinking of setting up the P5000 with 120hz. In fact, if I had known that it had EDP support, I would have even had the opportunity to buy and test an RTX GPU from devices provided by a software company I know. But first I need to know which 120hz panels I can install on the m17x r4, other than the D02 code. Sorry for my bad english
  9. Hi I will upgrade the screen of my Alienware m17x r4 from 60hz to 120hz. I have three concerns. 1. Recommended Fabrication 120Hz panel code LTN173HT02-D02. I have a Samsung np700g7c 120hz lvds laptop. I want to install the screen. Model number: LTN173HT02-C02. Will this panel cause compatibility issues with Alienware's eDP system? (eDP cable available) 2. I'm looking for suggestions to minimize the possibility of damage when removing the frame of my M17x R4. 3. What brand of adhesive should I use when gluing the bezel in place to ensure that it has fabrication quality? Sorry for my broken english. M17x R4 screen code. Samsung NP700G7C screen code.
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