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Everything posted by eucalipt

  1. John Ratsey : windows works perfect, I even reset the pc first making a fresh install . you might probably right about that ssd cover, it might be just a radiation protection, i have no ideea .
  2. John Ratsey : Thank you for the advice, that was the one i found also and thinking seriously for it after some search, but because of you I installed instant and used it. It does the job perfect. Here are some photos with the process of ssd change, maybe others would like to see. First buy a 2230 nvme ssd of your choice, after that use a migration software to "clone" you actual ssd on the the new ssd. IF the new ssd is not a Samsung you must use another software like macrium ( downnload link if you click macrium ), Samsung magician / data migration would recognize ONLY Samsung ssd's. After you done all this you can proceed. 1. taking off the cover abd revealing the inside, first thing you should do after you reveal the insides is to DISCONECT the battery cable for safety reasons. Whatever you do, DO NOT use any metal tool, or touch with you hads the small electronic components ( electric discharge from you body could damage something ). 2. taking off the ssd heat dispenser by pulling it up slowly and gently: 3. unscrewing the screw that hold in place the original ssd, removing the original ssd, mount the new ssd 4. mount back the ssd heat disperser/cover, gently put it in position and then press it back. 5. mounting back the plastic cover, tide the screws and reboot. Good luck to all of you. Things I've noticed with the new ssd are: To much storage space, i do not use that much....not even close. Windows loading faster when opening the lid. Linux works good, except some issues I am going to work on.
  3. ok, I buyed a 2230 wd fast ssd and samsung magician "data migration" do not "see" any other drive then samsung drives :)) gotta find a data migration software that can do the job. any advice please ? Thank you all
  4. katalin_2003 : I think you are right, as other 4 people saying the same. John Ratsey : you might be right, because other few people say that. maybe the confusion is comming from the fact that my model, is not really displayed open and i could not find any tutorials. lack of space it is a problem, but still....i think they could find a way to put in a "normal" 2280 ssd, but probably it would cost more to redisign everything inside. I already buyed a adapter nvme M.2 to usb-c toi be able to use data migration software, so I have it. I will return the 2280 ssd samsung 990 pro, because I do not really need so many hdd's ( hope shop is going to take it back, since is a small shop ). My ideea was to have everything prepared , all the parts needed for the time I open it. I call it crappy because no detailed information can be find on official manufacturer website or in other places. The most anoying thing is the fact that have a SIM card inside and you cannot make calls or send SMS , i really do not understand why is not possible. on book2 I read you are able to send sms, but not to make calls. Imagine this laptop I buyed to replace my ipad, becauise on ipad you did not even received the sms, most stupid thing, sim being used just for lte/data . Otherwise it seems a good laptop. Thank you all for advices, I will be back when I have a 2230 ssd buyed and be ready to mount it inside.
  5. I know is an old topic, BUT Laptop: crappy Samsung book pro 360 5G I saw online upgrading the ssd's with a 2280 nvme M.2 , so i Buyed one .... after I open the laptop....I cannot see where is the the ssd so i can change it........ in this post I see it needs to be 2230ssd, but even so ..... I cannot see where is it. Can anyone advice please ?
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