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  1. we shall see, of course... and yes, I would also hope for 2560x1600 on the 18" feels like it'll offer the best of both worlds...
  2. interesting on the 200w tdp 18" maybe it means they will let you order 5090 online now, vs calling only?? anything on the type of screens? dont want 4k, but want a nice quality 1440p, possibly micro led
  3. understood. i was hoping it means they replaced the actual case, cause mine is peeling badly. first precision that peeled in 10+ years
  4. can you elaborate what the replacement with palm wrest entail>? i lost tubber thing at the bottom, my keyboard been replaced 3 or 4 times now... and roight side and left side, are like cheap headphones, peeling offff.. i didnt know those things were replaceable..
  5. I had to replace m6 7760 keyboard 3 or 4 times now...annoying... so better quality would be nice. And, I like non-fn print screen button!
  6. Lots of interesting dell pro max pics and even a video here https://axicom.egnyte.com/fl/vS302r6mj8 keyboard looks raised a bit, compared to my 7760 anyway...
  7. Dell and anyone else, sees Apple being able to charge more and they want it, of course. By confusing this public with this name schemes, they assume that passers by will jump in. Now, us, the NICHE, who know products, history, etc this is obviously a ripoff, but we are also not their market... We are the few, the proud, the ones who own at least 3+ gens of dell precision laptops (like me). In the end, everyone has to vote with their wallet. And, if dell precision is not offering 18" model this year, then I will def look elsewhere. I don't need 16" model. I won't feel bad if I don't have a new, shiny precision model, just like Dell won't feel bad for me for not having the same... I am still pissed that I have to click fn to get to print screen button... LOL. I use that so much these days....
  8. Very interesting developments. I wonder if you can add gaming gpu this game into precision line (err pro max). I think you used to be able to via call vs online. But, definitely interesting developments
  9. ahh, great to know, my last machine is 7x60. it's like a 10 year old non-stick fry pan, all peeling the non-stick on sides left and right of the mouse pad and they had to replace keyboard at least 3 or 4 times now, but otherwise, it has performed well. thank god for the promo of 5 year accidental warranty at the time of order
  10. This is a good thing. We do not need a refresh every year with minimal upgrades. Hopefully, the 2025 will have new cam stuff, new other stuff, and especially an option for a non-business graphics as well. My precision will be 4 years old next June, so might e time for an upgrade, if it's worth it.
  11. I may try alienware stuff next time as they come with mechanical keyboard option, so maybe they will be sturdier won't be this year though 13th/14th gen stuff is same, and hope is next year, it'll b worth the upgrade!
  12. well, that's not good. I was thinking of upgrading to a new precision next year, but now, I have my doubts....
  13. ya, I had mine replaced 3 or 4 times. i still have 2.5 years left, so ill probably be replacing it next week, but I wonder if there is any better aftermarket solution that works... this is just so annoying, heh, but I guess one of the smaller issues that could happen...
  14. Hi everyone, Has anyone had any issues with the keyboard on the 7760? I had mine replaced 3 or 4 times now. First few times due to keys paint peeling, then due to keys not working most of the time (arrows, backspace, etc). Now letter e is hardly working and it's only been 6 months since last replacement There is no water damage or overheating or anything weird. I been using precision laptops for the last 10+ years going bacl to m4700 and this is the first time it's been happening...
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