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Everything posted by emcze

  1. Your system is stable on 4.2. Try go higher with flex vid override. You have standard 25, I have 33, you can go over 40 but with higher temp because it is voltage.
  2. I don't know. Still problem is with "Shadow of the Tomb Rider". After I used DDU on Win11 Tomb Rider crashed. Now on clean Win10 still the same, and still code 31 on Device Meneger / Software devices/ Nvidia platform controllers and framework.
  3. I tried windows 10: Firestrike : with GPU temp: and CPU at 4,5ghz not bed with temps
  4. I found problem. It is in Device Meneger / Software devices I have: nvidia platform controllers and framework - I have exclamation and error code 31 It is because I used DDU
  5. No. I wait for new memory and start to overclock. Now is standard.
  6. I want to check your problem... I used DDU cleaner. Removed all driver. Installed new RTX3000 driver and... have the same. Shadow of the Tomb Rider and Mad Max not working, system gave me blue screen. I hope tha system recovery point repair my computer 🙂
  7. I removed 680 from m17x and compared with 680 from m18x when I installed this second one I can change to LEGACY DISABLED without problem. it like problem with turn on turn off was from old 680 without GOP driver in vbios. I need to compare BIOS ver. EDIT: First visible diference is SLI port. 680 from my m18x has SLI ( right side ) 680 from m17x has black tape. I removed it and... only soldering pads.
  8. It means driver error. Try use earlier driver for RTX.
  9. I had the same. Your RTX3000 now is named 3D Video Controller. What you need to do: Download file nv_dispwi.inf - I uploaded it few post earlier. Click right button on It and click install on menu. After "Driver was installed succesfull" go to the Device Meneger and click on 3D Video Display. Click update driver and use update nanualy from driver installed in system. Click Graphic Card after that Nvidia after that Quadro RTX3000. Will be information that this driver can be not correct for this device but click update. Now your 3D Video display will be RTX3000.
  10. I only summary information from this thread. It was from smarter users than me.
  11. To check realistic temp run GPU-z and monit temp when play game with high settings.
  12. I have about 77 - 80 in hotspot. But when I play with video settings on ultra I have obout 60. Furmark is killer not realustic test.
  13. I will check connector but probably the same place. With my 680 works only with legacy. Probably old Vbios.
  14. I have the same in m18x r2 and second m17x r4 but on m17x r4 120hz can't disable LEGACY because of warning about GOP driver.
  15. I have now blue screen with "inaccessible boot device". I will repair win11 later now will try with LEGACY disable. Installed A15 + - works Changed to start UEFI -works Changed to SG mode - after restart still is PEG and only Nvidia visible in BIOS. Disabled LEGACY - and info "Can't Detect MXM card GOP driver" I think that problem is in my GTX680M, maybe old BIOS ?? First I repair win11 and check BIOS version. After that I checked my old 680 from M18X R2 - maybe is newer. If not I try to reflash 680.
  16. 1. I formated USB stick via Rufus with MS-DOS 2. Download A05 BIOS for R4 3. Extracted files and took QBR00EC.fd to empty USB stick. 4. Renamed this file to M17R4.HDR 5. Removed system battery and power cord 6. I put USB stick to eSATA socket in M17X R4 7. Held END button on keyboard and plugged power adapter M17X turned on fans with full RPM and lights on keyboard, after about one minute started to beep... after 134 beeps computer turned off. I turned it on and had 5 beeps. Turned off and on one more time and works !!!
  17. Ok, I removed 680, after that clear CMOS - I have 5 beeps. I turned off and turned on and have 8 beeps. I installed 680 turned on and... the same fu...ng restart, again and again. maybe I remove 680 and ith 8 beeps tried to blind flash ?? or use BIOS programer to put BIOS ??
  18. If you download this file nv_dispwi.inf and click right button on it, and manually install it your RTX should works. Try to download Furmark 3D and check it. but if you have full Nvidia driver you should do this: ( say hallo to @ssj92 🙂 )
  19. Yes, 120hz display. ooooo, I will try it now... wait a minute 🙂
  20. Was A15, now is A15 unlocked. I have second m17x R4 with flashed unlocked BIOS and works good with the same settings. My m18x R2 works too. Yes, I have ch341a programmer. I bought it before purchase Quadro RTX3000.
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