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  1. I found a good deal for Quadro P4200. Maybe there's any chance to get it working with M6700? It's HP one so BIOS chip is missing but can be soldered on and flashed. Maybe i should start experimenting with it unless it has already been deemed impossible to work?
  2. Thanks for all the info. P4000 looks pretty good both by price and performance and I also have an external flasher with a clip so should be easy enough. Also, I see @TheQuentincc had 2133mhz RAM working with M6700. I tried flashing XMP with Thaiphoon but even when setting XMP timings to stock, laptop just refused to post and diagnostic leds weren't working either. I have I7-3940XM and 4x8GB DDR3L Hynix sticks so I wanted to OC them to at least 1866MHz. I was also wondering if there's a chance for M6700 to use something more powerful than a 240W adapter (like a 330W Alienware adapter). I have read in forums before that the laptop recognizes a 330W adapter but refuses to use more than 240W. Was there ever found a workaround for that? Edit: Yeah apparently i was looking at the desktop version of P4000 and was impressed how good it was until i realised it wasn't mobile one 😅. Yeah... prices on those on eBay are quite high for being little more powerful than Tesla M6 which i got for dirt cheap.
  3. Damn... That's a shame. I was concidering quadro p5000 but slower memory and double the price doesn't make it much appealing aspecially if it also has stability issues. I currently have tesla m6 with OC but since it lacks any video outputs and only works with optimus i can't use it with eDP display. Are there no other gpus with comparable performance that will work?
  4. Hello, are there any progress with M6700 and gtx 1070? I was planning on buying one with eDP 3D panel. Also has anyone tested if it's possible to use both lvds and edp connectors at the same time for dual internal display?
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