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  1. My XPS 17 (9710) has become sluggish to start/shutdown. When I first got it, from start to desktop was about 12-14 seconds. Now it's almost a minute. And shutdown was even quicker, and now it's even longer. So I'm thinking a fresh install of Windows might help. What's involved in doing this (I've never done a Windows re-install before)? I'd love to be able to keep all my data & files. I'd also love to be able to keep my installed programs, although I understand that may be the issue, and I might have to re-install them after Windows refreshes. For those of you who've done this before, is this more trouble than it's worth? Your thoughts and feedback appreciated! Happy Fourth to those who celebrate.
  2. I just replaced the screen in an XPS 13 2-in-1. I had a local laptop repair shop do it. It was quicker and less expensive than I thought it would be. I believe they replaced the entire panel, as @Aaron44126alludes to in his post above.
  3. As an FYI point for anyone reading this in the future... It cost about $250 for a replacement screen, and $150 for labor. $400 to get it back to normal. A little disappointing to have it fail, especially after only three years.
  4. It's the screen. Found a local laptop guy who can order & replace for me. Thanks again for the help!
  5. Thanks @Aaron44126 for the detailed and very helpful reply. My wife left yesterday to visit grandkids, and took her laptop 😒. I'll try these when she gets back.
  6. My wife has an XPS 13 2-in-1. It has a screen issue that I can't diagnose, nor fix. See pic. The bottom 80% of the screen has very small horizontal lines running side to side, that seem to slightly flicker. The top couple inches are normal. I don't believe it's software. Drivers are updated, nothing new has been installed, no physical damage (dropping, etc). Which leads me to think it's a hardware problem. What can I do that might help diagnose this better? And if it is hardware, what are my repair options? It was bought in Feb 2020, so it's three years old. Thanks!!
  7. Thanks, I'll play around with it then. ETA: It is just a plain black button.
  8. Does this model have the fingerprint reader on the Power button? I'm getting mixed results when I search. Thanks. Why? I've been reading about FIDO, and it seems a fingerprint reader is one method.
  9. Thanks for the detailed reply. My CPU is listed as base speed 2.50GHz. It's an i9-11900H. When I run something full throttle (ex: FlacSquisher), it jumps to 100%, but the speed shows 3.35 or so. Even higher than 2.50? Not sure why. Thanks.
  10. How do I tell? I'm looking at TM now, but not sure where it would show me.
  11. I wonder if that's behind some of the sluggishness I'm seeing. Two rando examples: I load Quicken daily, and I have a huge file (just shy of 200MB). It started taking slightly longer to load a couple weeks ago, not terrible, but enough to notice. Starting MS Word used to take 2-3 secs to load, very quick. Now it's a couple seconds longer. I wondered why everyday programs were taking longer, then I see your post, and wonder if they're related?
  12. There's a need for both. My wife is a huge "i" user, having used both iPhones and iPads since they came out. She lives on her iPad. But she also has an XPS 13 2-in-1, and keeps it close by, as there are times you need the advanced functionality of a Windows laptop (as vs an iPad). This nails it. She consumes mass quantities of Internet garbage on her iPad, but when she needs to DO something, out comes the XPS.
  13. I had an XPS 15 9550 (still have it, actually, just stored away). Similar case. My current XPS (17 9710) fits a little snugger.
  14. My wife has the XPS13 2-in-1, but not the detachable.
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