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Everything posted by azulazul

  1. For anyone's interest. The P16v Gen 1 AMD is indeed a lot more silent & silent enough vs. the P1 G6/7. Thank you very much @win32asmguyfor recommending it. It is also roughly the size of the P1s, so overall a great replacement. The fans still spin at around 2300, but the fan itself is a lot less noisy. The fans also have a slightly different rib structure. While I still hear it, it is the closest to silent among the almost-always-on-fans I have tried & good enough. TP fan control does not appear to work any more though, which is a pity, as it doesn't recognize the fans.
  2. Does someone know (via TP fan control) what the lowest fan speed setting in the P16 is? Gen 1 or 2, atb
  3. Thank you as well Easa. The "bigger chassis = bigger fans" is not something I had considered. After having gone through the TP fan control rabbit hole & ordering the P1G6, G7s again, I found that neither has a "quiet" fan level. I can switch both' fans off, but both are at their lowest, active level near 2400 +-100rpm which is audible + some high pitched noise in the G7. I have ordered a P16v Gen 1 as my last laptop to try & I will keep the most silent of the 3.
  4. Thank you. I had seen that model as the notebookcheck fan tests also had it as more silent than the P16 G2 and quite silent overall. I will check it out. As a btw I have to say that by now I have become a bit disillusioned to go by formal power needs (or the available fan tests) as nothing seems to match my experience. Rather, the fan behaviour between the models seems to be quite similar (even when tested to be different) and overall bad for my taste. Especially that the fans are always audible in AC even during light work. (I want a silent computer if I do nothing or almost nothing.) Following the (notebookcheck) fan tests as well as general reception, I expected the P1G6 to be sufficiently silent, as it is tested to be as silent as my X1G2 (~P1G2), but in contrast that model is in "always audible fan mode during AC", even when used extremely lightly, and the X1G2 is 100% silent during office tasks at 55-59 Celsius CPU. The avg. fan noise level during load is also far less. Going by formal power needs, the P1G7 (no bios updates yet) should potentially be more silent than both models as its CPU is much less demanding (28w vs 45w, 45w) and the overall set of available GPUs are also weaker (4000, 5000 ada are available for G6 not G7 & the general TGP level for the G6-GPUs is 80w vs 60w in G7). Idk what else to look at to expect more silent fans a even the X1G2 from 5y ago offered i9, 4k Oled configs with similar processing power to current CPUs in the same chassis with much more silent fans. The P1G7 at extremes reaches 2-3x the perceived noise level the X1G2 can maximally reach & Idk why or how to expect that.* (Maybe it's adaption to consumer behavior & they just use stronger fans and drivers atm). Given I had to return the P1G6 I just bought due to display flickering, I ordered a P16G2 and P1G7 in a different config to the one I tried already (mainly hoping for a driver or bios issue in the tried one though) and I will update my expectations after checking these out. I just now learned about the different ways of potentially reducing fan noise in bios (didn't work for the P1G6 low, audible noise level) as well as using fan control, but I have not been able to evaluate them fully yet as some do not seem to work while others have other downsides. Beside being quite the rabbit holes, too. In any case, thanks again. I greatly appreciate every detail on the fan noise of these and similar models. PS I came by this forum as the HP Fury G11 is tested to be quite silent, too, but I read of many people having issues with the fans (many having i9, 4k display). And that comes besides HP forcing one to either go high (i9, 4k) or low spec (i7, 1.9k display). If it offered a medium spec, I'd have ordered it already, but now I will do only after the 3 Lenovo models fails. *I just now saw that the X1G2 only had 1 GPU option with 35w power draw (vs. current ones >100-200w). That might explain the difference in current fan designs vs. then. It's a pity given I pretty much disable the dGPU.
  5. Thank you, that is very helpful. I am still trying to understand which laptop in an i7, 2.56k display configuration will get me silence during low (maybe low-to-medium) daily operations and there is not much detail out there.
  6. Hey @Easa, thanks for sharing. Great to read the fan noise details. Last week I weighed HP Fury G11, P16G2 and P1G6 and went for the G6 mainly for fan noise reasons. Idk if you mind, but 2 questions: 1) How much would you estimate does the difference in config cause the different fan behaviour? E.g. would you expect the HP to be quiet with i7, non-4k display, etc. And/or in return, iyo, would the Lenovo still be silent under "low" load with i9, 4k display, etc.? 2) How much, iyo, does a large chassis reduce the noise, all else equal? Idk if you have a comparison, but the Lenovo X1EG2s (silent) and P1G6s (not silent) also get cp. quiet under low load, both in "best efficiency" and "balanced" mode. I'd be interested in how much the P16 adds onto that by having the large(r)chassis. I went with the medium config (i7, 2.56k display) to guarantee silence, but I would have preferred to max it out. I'd like to know whether I could buy the P16 in highest config and still expect "silence", be it in the most-efficient mode (and maybe reduce dGPU usage). Atb (cezuan2 from reddit)
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