I'm trying to overclock the 8086k sitting in my Clevo laptop (P775DM3-G with dsanke bios) and while the OC sticks and looks stable, it also presents a behavior i find very strange: it looks like the CPU goes back to the base clock as soon as there's a noticeable GPU usage, both in the desktop and when opening a game. I don't think it's a power budget issue as it has a 330W PSU, and the CPU uses 115W max, while the GPU uses 190W max.
As you can see in this video i recorded, when running CineBench all cores jump to the programmed 4.7GHz and the temperatures, albeit high, don't seem to cause throttling. The GPU usage and wattage are low, everything performs as it should.
I then open a browser tab and begin scrolling, causing GPU usage. As soon as this happens, the CPU is throttled back to 4.0GHz base clock, the temperatures drop down and so does the package wattage. HWinfo does not report any performance limit reason, and the only difference i can see is the GPU watts.
I finally stop scrolling and after 10 seconds or so (cut in the video) the CPU jumps back to 4.7.
My OC is:
47 multiplier for all cores
-170mV offset
101 BCLK
106 PL1 (up from 95)
What i tried to no avail:
Changed to Balanced power plan and back to High performance: no difference;
Booted in safe mode: no difference;
Brought down the multiplier to as low as 42: no difference;
Removed undervolt: higher temperatures, no difference;
Restored BCLK to 100: no difference;
Messed with PL1 time: no difference;
Messed with IMON slope: the CPU did report lower watts, but no difference;
Disabled SpeedStep / SpeedShift / Energy Efficient Turbo: no difference;
Disabled bidirectional PROCHOT (in case it was a overheating VRM): no difference;
I am at a loss.. It truly is a pity seeing it turbo to a glorious 4.7 just to leave me disappointed as soon as i open any game...
Do you guys have any idea what could be happening?
I just played for more than an hour GTA V and Forza Horizon 5, in both games the GPU was pinned at maximum usage and the CPU too was overclocking to 4.7 stable! Then i rebooted, and i'm once again in the same situation as the post: it's not boosting anymore. WTF is going on?!
EDIT 2 for future me and people from google: I have NO idea why, but simply opening Throttlestop at boot (and having it setup exactly like the BIOS, same multipliers and undervolt) completely fixes this issue. I'm completely baffled..