Hey guys signed up to post in this thread, I know it's kinda old but with black friday coming up, etc, someone might purchase one and stumble upon it for help such as I did, thanks to everyone who has posted here for your helpful information.
Just want to re-iterate the gains you can make off re-applying the liquid metal, they are massive and I don't think the laptop was ever intedned to be running at 95c (although it's perfectly safe) I took my laptop apart and used what was spooled all over the place to re-apply it and it's made a drastic difference to my temps and benchmarks.
Went from doing R23 runs and scoring about 33k and hitting 95c to scoring 37k-ish (turbo mode, g-helper) haven't seen temps above 78c and off a fresh boot I barely hit mid 60c.
Just throwing this out there, maybe one day someone will see this and it'll help them decide. Just like to add it's a fairly easy process. I've been taking apart Alienware laptops for over a decade and this was easier than all of them pretty much.