Hey there. Just bought an X17-R2 yesterday. Couldn't resist the price.
Not new to gaming laptops, but I did fall off the wagon for a few years. I wanted to do some undervolting because this CPU is a toaster oven. I downloaded ThrottleStop (because that's what I used to use 'back in the day'), but I quickly found out Dell/Alienware locked down a bunch of CPU options with the latest BIOS update. According to some of the other information I have unearthed, you can roll back to the old BIOS that allowed more CPU tweaking.
Now, I don't know the BIOS number you need to roll back to as I haven't done any of that yet.
And yes, there are risks inherent to flashing a BIOS on anything, but it's much safer than it used to be. I'll try to update this post if/when I find more information. Based on my laptop's behavior though, I think the CPU needs a re-paste more than it does an undervolt. That's another interesting topic that I'm going to address in another thread. I used to be a member of the Notebook Review forums, but it looks like that's been shut down since I last owned a gaming laptop.