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  1. Does anyone have any experience dealing with Eurocom ?
  2. Hey Guys and Gals Im looking into jumping back into the Clevo X170. I going to need a machine to travel and i dont want to get anything other then this things because of its upgrade and replacement. I had a couple question. Is the SM-G the same chasis and the power bricks as the Km-G ? Im looking into a used one on Ebay. I saw one that had a 3070 with 10850k for 1500 USD.
  3. Are you looking to sell ? Im looking to jump back in
  4. Hello all im looking to guy this machine again used on Ebay. I need a good laptop and a 3080 16 is pretty much on par with what i have. Im going to be on the go. How is everyones machine running these days ?
  5. Yea i got a good deal at micro center im happy with it
  6. Heys guys Long time to talk. Any word on prema for KM-G ? @MD87 How is the fixing going ?
  7. I just wanting to give a update after not having a PC for a month I hope it is going well also I just built a new machine with my son for a third of what i payed for the Clevo and got a ok result bone stock https://www.3dmark.com/3dm/75150401? like 200 points less then a over clocked 3080 mobile
  8. i used ebays pre paid label for shipping im getting my popcorn ready to watch the drama unfold 😆
  9. usps was the carrier i reached out in ebay and got no response thats incrediable story and sad
  10. hey guys hope you machines are running well. as you know i sold my machine but 2 deleiver attempts have been made in Germany and he was not home. what happens after the third ?Do they send it back to me ? Is there anything i could do right now to protect myself ?
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