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About TheRealTechGeek

  • Birthday 02/23/1988

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  1. What's the best gpu money no objective that will be compatible of course
  2. Are there any newer ones. I looked it up is from 2019 is that correct? Any like 20 series and higher that are compatible without modification of course thank you.
  3. Well just wanted to know that's all. I'll stick with nvidia that's fine. Thanks for you're answer.
  4. From my experience with my custom built X79 Xeon 1680V2 and Rx 6800 XT definitely the older processors benefit greatly from AMD so is this possible on my Alienware m18xr2? I bought it years ago; 2014 from an member on the defunct Notebookreview.com Personally of course if there higher end options I don't mind like an rtx 3090 lol thank you. https://www.x-vsion.com/product/mxm-radeon-rx-6600-8gb/
  5. Ok cool I'll probably will. Thanks for the welcome
  6. I am so very happy to be part of this community again, I used to be known as Freedom16 a decade ago and I actually forget my second account name. The moderators banned me twice. Freaking ridiculous, over very petty stuff, It really jaded me so much regarding joining other forums. In many ways the end of that forum is the end of the abusive horrible moderators. They truly were such jerks. Reminiscing now I remember so many people used to complain about Asus so much. I had Asus and Alienware at the time in 2010. I met so many great people from the forum. It's great to be back.
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