Hello there! Apologies if asking this in a wrong section or on a wrong forum (if thats the case, feel free to recommend us where we should ask for advice instead 😃 ). So we are a bit stuck with upgrading Alienware 18 2013 version (R3 Viking, if I am not mistaken) with a GTX 1070. Great source of guideness has been NotebookReview Forums, but unfortunately it was shot down. Our main issue right now is that GPU fan will not start no matter how hot Graphic Card gets. We are using unlocked A12 Bios and didn't find any fan related settings in there. Graphic Card that we are upgrading to is Nvidia GTX1070 MXM 3.0b from Zotac manufacturer I think (uploaded a photo). Regarding vBios we tried an original Zotac version and a version thats for Dell laptops with the same results. Furthermore when using Dell vBios GPU won't go above 139 MHz for some reason.
Any kind of help or advice would be much appreciated. If I should have provided some extra info, please let me know :)
Alienware 18 A12 Unlocked.zip