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  1. I was never on the old forums, wasn't really into notebooks really until GPU prices shot up like crazy. Now I'm all in.
  2. I've been eyeing this thing since I first saw it. The specs are awesome but asus has been one of my least favorite manufacturers for some time. I'm a linux user and have been wanting an AMD discrete gpu for a while, and this one seems pretty awesome Some quirks about this laptop: Half the ram is soldered (sadly not surprising in 2022) The barrel power adapter in the middle of the side (cmon, that's just stupid) No ethernet (whatever, I guess) white case (who the hell wants smudges all over?) though from what I've seen they have a black version coming. I'm sure there's more, there always is. Also It's hinted that USB4 will be added with a firmware update, which would be pretty neat. I was aiming for a lenovo legion 5 with ryzen 5800 and an rx6600m which has much more IO and I've always had good experience with lenovo and their support beats asus in every way, especially if you get accidental damage protection. However I may hold off and possibly get the G14 but I'm hoping we see more ryzen 6000 stuff with amd discrete graphics in the near future. Also heres some hands on with it
  3. Wow never seen MXM to NVMe adapter in the wild. Good stuff.
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