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    I use Arch, btw.

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  1. I managed to snag one of these up while in Sweden. It's the 6800S sku with animematrix, but with white-only backlit keyboard. I haven't had much time to play with it yet, but some findings: - runs gtav well, only tried 15 minutes - runs Arch well, and most hardware seems supported - promised thunderbolt support still has to materialize in the form of a bios update - bios 313 has a ton of bugs, don't upgrade to it. - better batterylife than my thinkpad x390 - usb-c docks with multiple screens attached can be finicky depending on which port you plug it in - default wifi card sucks, but can be upgraded Feel free to ask any questions you might have about this machine and I'll see if I can answer or run a test 🙂
  2. A pretty basic Arch install with Gnome that I moved over from my XPS15 9550 when I got my Thinkpad x390, it's my daily driver. Not much to see here besides that I need to fix Alacritty since it doesn't play nice with Wayland 🙂
  3. I have my eye on this machine as well. The pricetag and having half the ram soldered is holding me back though. If Framework can manage to cram 2 sodimm slots in their ultrabook then Asus should have found space in this package for two slots too IMO. The insides and repairability of this bad boy can be seen halfway through this LTT video, in case people have missed it.
  4. I'm not going to lie, the amount of work that our team delivers has dropped slightly below the amount we used to do pre-pandemic. That is if management and Jira is to be believed, even though me and my colleagues do feel that we work longer hours. We might be less focused or something like that, but in general my team is doing a good job. We're developers so we can be 100% remote as the past 2 years have proven. It'd save me 2 hours of commute time each and every day. In reality I don't have the faintest clue why they want us back in office.
  5. I managed to screengrab my account as well, still using the same username and picture. I hadn't visited NBR for a while so I was shocked to see it was gone. I didn't post much and mostly lurked there 🙂
  6. Tell me about it, Wednesday will be my first day back after almost exactly 2 years as well. There will be discussion with the team about how may days a week we want to work in-office. I hope the end result will be 0 🙂
  7. The company forces lease cars on us since it's good for their taxes, so I'm in a 2017 Audi A3 sedan 1.6TDI. I will have to trade it in soon tough. I'm pretty happy with this one so wondering if I should buy it out or not. 62000 trouble free kilometers for now 🙂
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