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  1. Doom Eternal AG part 2. Love this game, plays really well on my Dell M6800/980M. Part 1 kept me occupied during the covid standdown. Part 2 is kicking my butt, but I love the challenge. Daughter birthday'd me a Samsung curved 27" monitor which enhances the experience. Do a little Rage 2 & Far Cry ND to warm up for Eternal.
  2. I'll bite, what's crazy about discussing GPUs...🤔
  3. Good to hear. My 6800 is going on about 7yrs old. I've never had a more reliable laptop. Love having the extra internal drives. With the 980M it can hold it's own with games. Not a big gamer but occasionally enjoy a Doom Eternal frenzy. There will likely come a time when the Maxwell GPUs will go the way of the Keplers and no longer be supported. :(
  4. Don't mind at all. Was googling nvidia driver inf mod and landed here. That's when I discovered NBR forum had bit the dust. Had replaced the M6800 GPU with a 980M few years ago and needed refresher on inf mod procedure. Aaron44126 was on NBR and helped me from time to time. Believe he has an M6700.
  5. Hello Also a casualty of the NBR closure...loved that forum. See some of same folks here. Been a notebook guy since late 90s. First laptop was a Toshiba Tecra 780, IIRC 13" screen, Pentium 2, DVD player, and monster 5GB drive. Current is Dell Precision M6800.
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