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  1. clock frequency memory and shader. with nvidia inspectori can. with msi i couldnt.
  2. cool i have the sweet spot anything higher it just freezes or artifacts start appearing on screen. i can go almost 200 mhz. thanks
  3. LOL. my dad was a heavy drinker. i might say an alcoholic. my sister also drinks alot. in mexico i am a pussy LOL. but am not...
  4. my brightness started working after i disabled optimus. when both gpu's were on no brightness was working except on bios there it worked but not when on windows.
  5. violin sounds like a accordion to me. why was the camel weeping.? it was sad seeing him weep. or cry. i fell in love with Zhang Ziyi
  6. just plain water gentleman. do not smoke, and i have stop drinking sodas. have drank in the past but not anymore and am not much of a drinker either i drink 1 beer and am smiling dirnk 2 and am drunk. besides i hate hang overs. i stopped because my psychiatrist told me to not drink. but..... at times i feel like drinking i feel sad and wish to drinik. havent drink beer since 2018. i have done drugs but i also stop and been clean for more than 16 years. ill never do that again.
  7. thanks. i decided to not overclock it. am going to start saving money maybe sell this laptop and get me a used laptop that performs better.. not sure which laptop to pick.
  8. the 50's had good music. i also would like a time machine i had the bests of times when i was in middle school and high school.
  9. wow so you are in early 90's my dad is a month in a half to be 90. congratulations. so you seen alot more than us.
  10. the food. i also have heard that we are more prone to health issues because additives to food. not so sure if that is the case.
  11. i remember my first internet experience it was actually in a sega saturn when i was surfing on dial up think it was 16kb. then 28kb on the america online. that is an insteresting topic too about CPU clock speeds not going higher not sure if moores law hit the wall i do spent time on phone and on PC. i do have facebook but havent open it in months and tik tok i have never used it either nor twitter now X or instagram. some older games had pretty good graphics and was ahead of time. evolution of arcades too. now console systems have surpassed them.
  12. am debating if i should overclock my GPU i have a Nvidia quadro 2000m. not sure what is the safe temp for this card. the highest temp i get is no more than 65C. say if the max temp is 90C and i overclock it but keep it at 65C would that wear the GPU down. i think i already had asked long time ago. am started to play some games and i must lower resolution tpo 720p and lowered graphics.
  13. yes people like around 70 80. lived different. my mother used to tell me how they would sleep outside without beign bother. how they used to walk miles to go to near town to parties all walking on foot. relationships were different back then. too many social as you mentioned is not good like you said brainwash ect. but i do acknowledge that technology does help if use in the correct way. we wouldnt be having this chat if it wasnt for technology at wonder at times how livingwith no electricity or water services be like. at wester when i watch movies i always think i wonder how stinky they might be they are always sweaty.
  14. just as the tittle says. if you could choose when would you have like to be born. i think i am in the right time. because i watched how the world has evolved. like video games not sure what a kid that was born 10 years ago feel about games. that i mean was i watched evolved from the atari 2600 like basketball game the person was just like made out of 3-4 lines. to now be able to acturally see their shoes in great detail. i think you appreaciate more hhow games evolved. new technology was coming out and that was exciting. and also i can say i lived when there was no cell phones.. i was out playing with friends. you had to go to their houses if wanted to talk to them. theres this time where i would of also liked if i had live like in the western era. in the 50's too i was born in the late 70's and love it.. but i also think about how things would be in the future with technology how far we would get as human species. whats yours.?
  15. many including me faced an annoying stutter or flicker or animations that is 712 build . am back to 23H2
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