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  1. very realistic. not sure if well get to the point of not beign able to tell apart whats ai and what is not.
  2. how can this possible.
  3. i like this kind of videos.. videos where i can learn new things. one thing that got me crazy and still cant believe is transistors size we are at the 2nm now... wow.
  4. dont know how to use paint, come on...🤣
  5. thanks. thats what i have read that it gets a bit hot. have you used honeywell thermal paste.? on my m4600 it lowred by 4'C.
  6. thats what i need the keyboard ive noticed it mentions it fits both thats why i was thinking wich parts are compatible. cpu too 2nd gen was thinking to bid a for parts laptop.
  7. @kojack use windows autoruns to disable running services at start up.
  8. does the dell precision m4600 and m6600 have compatible parts.? how can i found out if they share the same parts.
  9. its still amazing. i really admire all those guys that know CAD its amazing how they can create stuff. but with so many settings in CAD to make the drawing and create it.
  10. i dont use any dell drivers. i used the ones provided by windows. and i only update some drivers with snappy driver from glenns page.
  11. am sorry to hear you had an accident. your message was inspirational ,wish you a speedy recovery
  12. its crazy. so much work specially when he crafted the logo manually.
  13. wasnt going to watch the full video. but i did it was sastifying watching all the process.
  14. @Aaron44126yes you right but instead of a task scheduler i place it in start up folder. example C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup he can create a shortcut and edit this .bat file parameters. @trustnotwo GPU_CLOCK_50.bat
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