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Prema last won the day on June 15 2024

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  1. Here, in case you guys want to update to Intel Microcode v12B: https://www.reddit.com/r/eluktronics/s/DaPyUHyeXq
  2. Try with the DLSS files manually updated or use DLSS updater. https://github.com/Recol/DLSS-Updater/releases
  3. @tps3443 Start the game with -unlockmaxsettings command to unlock the hidden "outlaw" graphics mode. 😉 This will also allow us to set RTX Direct Lighting to MAX.
  4. https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackMythWukong/s/LAa4VHyeoN The chapter one final boss (black bear king) took me a minute. Pretty high difficulty early on in this game...
  5. 26100.1591 is actually the W11 LTSC (no copilot) candidate and runs perfectly. It's 26120.+ that are causing performance issues.
  6. I've been running 24H2 for a while now as they finally fixed the CPU scheduler performance bug that was introduced and present in every single version after 21H2. It caused Timespy CPU scores to drop significantly. So while 21H2 gives me a 22K at my daily defaults (13900HX), I was seeing only 19K in every single version until finally 26100.1 fixed it. Here comes the bummer. They managed to break it again in the more recent 26120 base and it's back to 19K... Haven't pinpointed it, yet. But until 26100.1591 everything is still fine...
  7. The Memory Controller Voltage "bug" was introduced in Microcode v124, so before v125 eTVB and v129 voltage spike patches. It's also even worse on v124...
  8. MS can also push microcodes via Windows update as they did with the Spectre versions. It's working similar to what we did with the manual update that I posted before, except for it being WHQL driver backed. So, I've been testing v123, v124, v125 & v129 microcodes on my HM77 mobile platform with 13900HX and the latter three require additional 0.025v Memory Controller Voltage at 6400Mhz XMP to be TM5 stable while v123 runs them at BIOS defaults. 🧐
  9. Yep, power draw is on TSE levels. Seeing 330W with shunts and CPU at stock on the 4090/13900HX combo.
  10. Check the Advanced tab for it to be enabled on unsupported games.
  11. Speaking of Intel APO. Here are the latest drivers: https://mega.nz/file/6Ml0RCgI#vqCfokXy0EqbrYLpI6ejZs-r2l-15Xhop-AnrykiVXY
  12. Your Frame Generation is still enabled. Needs a restart of the app make it stick.
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