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Everything posted by failed_zygote

  1. Sager pulled through, and I was able to update my TB3 firmware. Hope this helps anyone else out there. 9758_TBT_18.7z
  2. Hello, my first post here, thanks for having me. I see some familiar names from NBR forums around, so that is encouraging. I have a P750DM-G notebook, and I need the Thunderbolt controller firmware update file package. It was uploaded at NBR forums once upon a time [ARCHIVE] with the filename "P750DM-Thunderbolt_Update_v16.zip". I contacted the company the user at the time came from, but they could not help. I am currently waiting on sager for a ticket reply, which should come around Monday. If anyone here happens to have that file on their hard disk, and could come over and upload it, I would be infinitely appreciative. I have a Razer Core X I'm trying to get going with my P750DM-G. Let me know, Thanks.
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