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  1. It is hard to tell, but there is some degradation in multithreaded performance in R23. It used to be 30K Now:
  2. Just updated to BIOS v1.15, Dell has updated the CPU microcode to 129h to avoid BSOD issues in 13th/14th Gen CPUs. Not much change in multithreaded performance, but the maximum CPU voltage is now capped at 1.5v.
  3. https://press.hp.com/us/en/press-releases/2024/hp-unveils-largest-portfolio-ai-pc.html HP refreshed their ZBook line. That's so funny, they keep both 13th and 14th-gen HX. 13th Gen Intel Core (with vPro) or 14th Gen Intel Core (non vPro)
  4. Most likely not. It can be said with certainty that Lenovo won't update their P16, and the P16 Gen 2 will be an SKU lasting 2 years.
  5. I heard from a reliable source that there will be no ThinkPad P16 Gen3 this year due to the lack of the vPRO HX CPU product line. Probably, this may also apply to Dell and HP workstation lines. Not surprised at all, Both Nvidia and Intel didn't refresh their products this year.
  6. Just flashed RTX3500ada vBIOS extracted from 7780 to 7680, i got the GPU boosted to instantaneous 160Watt and the total power consumption is 280Watt using the AW GaN 330w brick.😃
  7. Yes, but the core temperature mapping is different now, core 0, and 1 are not that hot. The cores in centre (5, 6, 7 and two clusters of E-cores) have higher temperature than two sides. Still, the heatsink has problem and I am asking dell to replace another one for me.
  8. OK, yeah, it pretended to be undervolted. My bad, it did nothing in fact.
  9. I have done the repaste, but sadly, nothing improved. When I opened up the heatsink, the paste is not spread evenly, and the upper part is core 1,3,5,7, which can explain the problem I am facing now. Should I ask Dell support to send me a heatsink replacement?
  10. High temp P-core: 1 3 5 7 High temp E-core: 12 13 14 15 | 20 21 22 23 4 E-cores for 1 cluster Looks like one side of Die is not fully contacted with the heatsink. So, maybe the pressure of heatsink is not balanced?
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