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  1. Gonzo

    XPS15-9520 owners?

    I took the plunge last week, they had next day delivery on the 1tb 32gb one with the OLED screen. I have to say I'm impressed but the bitlocker side of things has pissed me off. I've found SED options, SSD password options but it seems to still be missing the eDrive features. I stuck a 2tb 980 pro in alongside the 1tb it comes with, I setup the security with the Samsung Magician, secure erased via BIOS as the Samsung tool wouldn't boot and put windows 11 pro on. It only seems to do software encryption still. I'm stuck and out of ideas for windows bitlocker hardware encryption now.
  2. Gonzo

    XPS15-9520 owners?

    I already have a 2TB Samsung 980 Pro, this 9560 never supported hardware bitlocker though. Dell have a habit of not having the options in the BIOS to allow it to work.
  3. Gonzo

    XPS15-9520 owners?

    Thanks for the replies. I'm guessing like most dell products that it doesn't support self encrypting drives?
  4. Gonzo

    XPS15-9520 owners?

    Who has one, who wants one? I do as mines about 5 years old now. Does it have native speedshift for a start? Thermal performance, what's it like?
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