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  1. Personally, my free time is for Tai Chi. If I work on an antique, it will be a classic sports car, not writing drivers for an old os. Y'all may want to consider loading a classic os in a vm. I still have Xp vms for running ancient software. You probably need VmWare to load a classic os, not sure if Msft vm will allow it. You'll need Msdn (no escape...) to get the old os images. Curiously, they have 3.11 and Xp but no 2000. 😢 🥂
  2. thx. i'll just let windows take care of itself til it makes me intervene to fix something.
  3. Haven't looked. "Tiny" sounds like it's worth looking into. I want path of least resistance, latest os is simplest.
  4. Sympathetic as i am to these sentiments, they add security when they add bloat. Eventually they fix the stuff they broke and regain speed they lost. I'm tempted to try Tiny11 but the last thing i want to do is play with computers after working on them all day.
  5. So Webroot wasn't to blame for everything, though some weirdness in Visual Studio cleared up with it gone. After removing it, i turned off daily reboots to see if it solved the issue on the Clevo machines. They still eventually slowed to a crawl after a day to 2 weeks. I probably had coincidental issues with Windows bogging down and the firmware update on the mobile cpu machine. I've currently got all of them on oem video drivers with Ge Force Experience uninstalled. The one that does my wake-up alarm playlist still does the daily reboot, the others aren't bad enough to be worse than a minor annoyance. Ain't Windows wonderful?...
  6. Chrome wouldn't run on x170 when I first got it, so I switched to Edge. I like it well enough. Firefox always struck me as a little clunky but i routinely have to use all 3 to fix something that works in one but not another.
  7. Well, something about enabling overclocking and setting back to optimized default appears to have restored its baseline performance. 🤞¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  8. Yeah i don't load Msi stuff, just Outlook and Sql Server. All the behavior i've seen makes me think Msft imposed some arbitrary threshold. Just my gut...
  9. Undervolt is slightly slower. Otherwise behavior is the same, performance is ok for a few minutes after boot if startup programs don't load. After loading them, it slows down dramatically, but only for unzipping huge files. Probably would be the same for other sustained heavy use. I went back to optimized defaults with high performance.
  10. I didn't see anything in bios, that's why i asked Msi. I'll check the video. thx
  11. I was unfair in characterizing their response that way. Throttlestop has change options greyed out, Xtu says the platform doesn't support it. Some of the traffic i saw was Asus users. It started with the Windows update, but firmware is involved for some. There's a fair bit of noise in general from users about Windows 11 performance. Oems may prevail on Msft to do something if they've killed off a product category...
  12. Msi says life is hard, then you die... "Dear Customer, that means your particualar CPU cannot be overclocked. It is part of the silicon lottery draw when it was manufactuered by Intel." I see support traffic saying people were able to overclock before a recent bios update. If i were earlier in my career, i'd be looking for a luggable. I'll live with this one as my last dtr notebook.
  13. I'm not crazy about changing the cpu defaults to get back to baseline, but i'll do it if it saves me 5 minutes on unzip. Xtu says overclocking's disabled. I've got a ticket open with Msi. 🤞🤓🥂
  14. I reinstalled Windows when i got it and never had that installed. I'll try it.
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