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Everything posted by Tofu

  1. I've definitely thought about it, but it doesn't seem worth it when this is my only personal computer currently. I might try flashing some other vBIOS files that are clocked higher but not higher wattage to see if it makes any difference. What's interesting is from everything I can find the only difference between 2070mq and 2070m is the mq is clocked lower with a lower TDP. Part of me now wonders if maybe the whole Max-Q thing was a plan to sell more lower binned chips that don't pass requirements otherwise, as theoretically I should be able to clock pretty to similar levels as a stock 2070m. What still gets me is that the sensors are actually reporting 115w going into the GPU but most of it just gets listed under Misc0 Input Power, makes me wonder what the sensors are actually reading from, or if that's just what the chip itself is allowing but the motherboard itself isn't providing more than 95w, which then makes me curious if a shunt mod would even work, maybe Lenovo put a limiter before the GPU somewhere. There's also an allow overclock option in the debug bios settings for this laptop but whenever I enable it, it just defaults back to disabled when I save and reboot, otherwise that would be a nice option to tweak the core voltage.
  2. Fair enough, did some more testing with superposition and still seeing similar results, 115w gpu vcore won't go above ~.685 while 95w hits .800 fairly often. Maybe it's just some kind of hard limit of my motherboard, in which case I guess I'll just have to stick to traditional OC/UV
  3. Did some more testing and I'm just confused. On stock vBIOS my gpu core hits .750v with furmark at 1440p 8x AA, but without AA it doesn't go above .615. On 115w vBIOS I don't see the GPU core going above .685v no matter what furmark settings. Attaching an image of hwinfo with 115w vBIOS running furmark at 1440p with 8x AA Anyone have an idea of what might be going on?
  4. If you're looking to flash unsigned bios then afaik there's no way around that. You can only flash other signed bios files, e.g. I can flash a higher wattage bios for my 2070mq
  5. I'll have to find my battery somewhere to test this, and if that is the case then I'll have to order another battery. I believe the laptop shouldn't be limited without the battery since the power supply is rated to 230w, but I've seen more confusing design choices. If you're interested you could try finding a vBIOS that matches your device ID and has higher clocks on here: https://www.techpowerup.com/vgabios/?architecture=Uploads&manufacturer=&model=RTX+2080+Mobile&interface=&memType=&memSize=&since= So long as you're in hybrid mode you can flash multiple times without having to reboot since the intel gpu is driving the display (though I usually unplug any external displays before flashing), so flash, test if it works better or worse, then flash again if it has any issues. What's odd for me is the core clock seems to change proportionally to the memclock in that driving the memclock higher makes my core clock go lower. I did replace the thermal pads at one point and now I'm wondering if maybe the VRMs are overheating? Or maybe it's something with the board itself as I did send my laptop in for repair some time ago and they replaced my 2060 board with a 2070mq board... Along with forgetting to flash the windows license and Lenovo product name into my BIOS, and they also left out the keyboard backlight ribbon entirely, though I had a spare from a replacement top plate they sent me when I complained about my touchpad clicking poorly.
  6. So after doing some testing it seems like there's something not right going on because even though HWInfo reports the gpu as drawing 115w I can't get more than 60w on the core itself, and it locks the core MHz to around 600. But what's odd is even after I flash back to stock My GPU seems to max out at 1000MHz if I leave it on default but if I try to change it in afterburner then it pretty much always drops down to 900 or lower. Only two things I can think of are an advanced BIOS setting, which I'll try resetting that and see if it helps, and the other is that I took the battery out since it was puffing and I don't really need this to be mobile any more. Would a lack of battery cause an issue with the GPU core?
  7. Did some research and grabbed some vBIOS files off of techpowerup to see if I could increase the power limit for my 2070mq since I even with both cpu and gpu at full stress, gpu was only hitting maybe 78c, and I already replaced the thermal pads on my cooler. First one I tried seemed the most interesting (which is apparently a non-maxq vbios from an HP Omen) actually seems to work perfectly fine, I see it hitting a power limit of 115w now, I'm still testing to make sure this is actually stable and working well. I read about other people flashing a different vbios and losing output from their displayport connector but mine seems to be working just fine, looks like the HP has the same setup. This is the vBIOS I used: https://www.techpowerup.com/vgabios/225730/225730 (Attaching it here as well as a backup) I used the modified NVFlash from here to ignore the board ID https://winraid.level1techs.com/t/modified-nvflash-v5-667-0/36029 (Also attaching here as a backup) GPU-Z: hp-2070mq-1F50-115w-1215mhz.rom lenovo-2070mq-1F50-90w.rom nvflash v5.670.0 patched update3.7z
  8. I was able to find and download this, haven't tried it yet but other people seem to say it works. https://winraid.level1techs.com/t/modified-nvflash-v5-667-0/36029 Edit: tried it and it seems to have worked.
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