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  1. Yes. Its run at 4400 rpm(if temp raise above 75 degree) and drop to 0 (then it cool down to 50 degree). So if I want fan start at 65 degree to 50% rpm, and turn to 0% at 60 degree - i must use Speedfan+DellFanCmd-2.1.1.zip (EC off mode) ? No other options?
  2. It goes to zero, but it changed to "waiting for embedded controller to activate the fans" - next screen Make cpu stress and.. wait CPU Temp to fall below 65 degree OK, lets wait a little And again "Waiting for embedded controller to activate fans" I dont see any difference from automatic (EC control)
  3. @Aaron44126 I have Dell xps 13 9300. Try test latest beta. RPM and cpu temp show correctly. Manual mode- work fine (50% - 4700 rpm, 100% - 8000 rpm). But Consistency mode - dont work. I think in Consistency mode: - EC control - OFF - two threshold set limit for 50% and 100%. But look at screenshot - fan ON, but Temp below 65 degree. And EC control ON + "Waiting for embedded controller" message. All say that Consistency mode not active and system in automatic mode.
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