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  1. 😆 I did jump into Star Citizen last night, with the new update and all, and as expected it went almost exactly the same way as all my previous sessions: Jumped in, the usual create character, chose home planet, start, go to the spaceport, get in the ship and do a quick and easy (I thought) quest. I chose a simple investigation mission which just means flying to a cave on a moon and searching for a dead body. I did just that, found the cave, explored it until I got to a dead end and proceeded to get stuck there forever because my dude would refuse to vault over a clearly vaultable rock (marked by the usual yellow ledge). 10 out of 10. Closed the game and went to sleep.
  2. I did see it and because of AC Mirage, I wanted to play Valhalla. I have a friend who's really a big AC fan and he kept recommending Valhalla. He just finished Mirage, says it was shorter than he expected... didn't sound too impressed.
  3. Happy New Year everyone! Haven't been playing a lot lately, more darts practice and now we've discovered that bowling is also fun... which means even less screen time for me 😆 I did see a new play test demo of Road to Vostok. It's a real promising game but it'll be a while. The dev just finished porting what he had done before to a new engine. Looks awesome though. Other than that, I sort of fell off Tarkov and now I keep wanting to try Star Citizen again. It usually doesn't end well but who knows. Oh yeah, I've been also messing with AC Valhalla... I'd really like to get through it this time.
  4. This was exactly my feeling too but sadly I couldn't resist and bought it on release. Couldn't refund it... one of my most regretted purchases in gaming...
  5. That's a great idea. There's really no reason to keep the batteries always topped to 100%. I'll see if I can set that.
  6. I'm back playing a game I really thought I'd never touch. I always liked the idea what Tarkov was but never particularly enjoyed getting constantly killed by high level players, groups or more importantly the huge amount of cheaters that game has. Until now. By pure randomness I learned about a huge mod which basically turns the game into a proper single player experience. It's called SPT (single player tarkov), it's free and it's awesome. It has everything the regular game has, you have progression, the usual raids, PMCs (bots), quests, everything. Don't get me wrong, it's still not easy, I'm still getting killed a lot, but it feels way more fun to me this way. Anyway, if you guys want to check it out: https://www.sp-tarkov.com/ You do need to have a legit copy of the game (the mod makes sort of an offline copy when installing).
  7. I did the same, played it for the first few missions, explored a bit but it didn't draw me in and yes, I wanted disk space for something else...
  8. Indeed, it's really hard to describe, you need to experience it. I played Alyx first on an old HTC Vive set, with pretty low resolution and it still felt like nothing else out there. After a full game in VR, all other "2D" games felt like going back in the past. It was quite difficult to readjust and start enjoying again games on a monitor.
  9. Oh yeah, VR... I've been thinking about digging out the Index kit. It's about time for another Alyx run as well.
  10. Once again I've started too many games and can't seem to stick to one... - Played through about 70% of Dead Island 2. I love zombie games and had a blast with this one. No idea why I just stopped playing it. - Started Diablo 4, instant regret after a few hours, unfortunately too late to refund. - Started Uncharted, fun but didn't stick with it for now. Still during the prologue. - Starfield, this was the most recent one. After about 30 hours of mainly side stories I sort of didn't feel like firing it up again. I'd like to stick to this one. On top of all these, now I keep thinking about trying Assassins Creed: Mirage. Not sure yet. May or may not do it.
  11. lol, no no, all good. Completely forgot about posting an update here. I ended up buying a new pack from amazon. I couldn't find anything useful on HP website and I really did not want to deal with their customer support considering the laptop is way out of warranty anyway. All went well, I opened it up and replaced the swollen pack. Works like new, the case is not warped anymore, the touchpad is flush and working. We'll see how long this one lasts.
  12. Unfortunately not, I'm on PC only. If there's something else you like, maybe some shooter/fps/battle royale game which has crossplay, I'd be happy to team up sometimes.
  13. I haven't fired it up in about a week now. Other IRL stuff going on. I'm focusing more on darts practice. I was at about 33 hours in but haven't touched the main story too much. After getting the first... ...I got side tracked with other missions and just played randomly. Not sure about the rating, maybe 7 out of 10 sounds right, I don't know yet. It's hard to overlook some of the design choices they made. Being a space game with a big focus towards ships and not being able to fly manually in the atmosphere is really my biggest complaint.
  14. Cool, I never realized that. If I recall right I played Skyrim mostly solo. I liked the sneak damage boost a lot.
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