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Everything posted by cucubits

  1. Cargo space is indeed annoying but I've pretty much got used to not picking up anything unless really valuable. Quests pay a lot and for now I haven't found any real reason to hoard money.
  2. 😆 started the day with a good chuckle on this one. I mean, you're not wrong, if you see a door or an elevator, you can be sure it's a loading screen. Shame they stuck to an old mostly incapable engine for what this game was supposed to be. On the other hand, we're not there yet, I don't think we can realistically make a real open world space game. I keep comparing it to Star Citizen because in my head that's what Starfield should have looked like... but they're running into a bazillion brick walls with their completely open star systems. It's still cool though: elevators actually move in the game and take you to wherever they go, you can fly your ship wherever you want on planets. You can even see other players jumping into warp from across the planet if you're lucky...
  3. Nooo, far from it. I'm at about 25 hours in and still on the pirate undercover mission. I do get side tracked a lot but I haven't done too many main quests.
  4. I'm not too sure either but I think the artefacts (Constellation) missions are the main story...
  5. Some of the side story quest-lines are really interesting and fun. The two more significant ones I ran into so far were quite varied and unexpectedly long/involved: the whole Terrormorph attack thing and now the UC sent me undercover to infiltrate a pirate fleet. A bit surprised as usually side quests don't draw me in this much, I just want to go ahead and see the main story but it's not the case here. Let's see how long it lasts.
  6. Wait, so you mean you haven't tried Starfield at all yet? I'm about 20 hours in and I just finished the Terrormorph quest line. I'd say it was a solid 7 out of 10 for this particular story. It could've been easily the mail theme of the game. A bit sad it ended so suddenly and revealing all... Overall not bored of the game yet and it's not repetitive but we'll see down the line. Not sure what I'll do next, either clean up the now huge active quest log or do a few main missions... oh yeah, I need to do Sarah too. Got her tagging along all the way and now we're one happy family, just need to finish her quest. Sad that there's no "spicy" cut-scene like Mass Effect or CP2077 had.
  7. Now I do have to give this one to him... the whole ship building mechanic is really stupid considering ships are kinda pointless without atmospheric flight and actually landing/taking off/docking etc... ship flying in the game to me is just a glorified loading screen. And space combat is not great either.
  8. it actually does get better... I've been mad about it at first and now I can't wait to get home to play some more
  9. I don't know... I've been mad at this at first but in all honesty I'm enjoying it a lot. I'm about 13 hours in and for the last few, I've been on the Terrormorph questline and it's quite interesting. For my spaceship flying craving, I'll probably fire up Star Citizen eventually but after Starfield, that will feel sooo empty. Maybe NMS is a good idea also, but compared to this and SC, NMS may be too "cartoony" for me.
  10. indeed i'm having fun with it too and yeah, getting side tracked a lot with all sorts of random missions
  11. Haha, why am I not surprised at all by that part in the clip above where a bucket is used to push a rifle out of the room. Makes me wonder if you could just put the bucket on the guards head instead. I have to try 😆 I don't feel particularly strongly in any of the directions. If you sort of forget that it's supposed to be a "space game", it can actually be fun. It's just an RPG with different maps you can jump back and forth. I had to say, spaceships are pretty meaningless. I see zero reason to upgrade or fly the ship when you have to fast travel anyway and just load in, instead of actually flying, landing, docking... man those would've been awesome if implemented... I did like the Terrormorph mission a lot... lot of Alien vibes.
  12. Maybe they are planning some sort of day1 patch to fix some issues... no idea, just thinking out loud.
  13. On my 2080 at 2k it did not run good. Small maps like inside buildings were smooth but almost all outside areas I could feel were much choppier. Didn't bother to read FPS but it was around 30 or even under for sure. This with most settings on medium, some low and some disabled. I was expecting a bit better but it is a very old engine so who knows...
  14. Sooo, is anyone here still playing Starfield? I do still have one question which I couldn't find the answer to and it's still bugging me. You can only land at fixed designated landing areas on planets, and then on your local map (and with the scanner) you see a bunch of points of interest at varied distances from the ship, let's say something at 900m away. Is the only option to explore those to run to them on foot?
  15. I did go in pretty much blind, without watching all the trailers, reviews but this seems to be backfiring now. I'm so disappointed to learn there's no atmospheric flight at all in the game. This really is just small maps with mediocre FPS shooting sections split up by endless loading screens. Can't even properly sprint around an area without running out of breath every 10 seconds. Oh and another one on the RPG side, they couldn't even bother to add voice to the main character. Talk about breaking immersion... On a happier note, I did catch most of this before the 2 hour mark and refunded the premium pack on Steam...
  16. I don't know... I'm having a lot of fun with it, still with side missions and random exploring at the first area. I'd say try it, play for a couple hours and refund if it's not for you. It does have a lot of Fallout 4 vibes mixed with some Star Citizen and Mass Effect. Not necessarily bad.
  17. I think you're right. Setting high/wrong expectations was the problem here. - if you are expecting a Star Citizen like free/full exploration/simulation with a story and RPG stuff - you're going to be disappointed. - if you are expecting something similar to Mass Effect combined with Fallout 4 - it's about what you'll get.
  18. I'm having fun with it so far but I will say that it would've been so much better if gameplay wouldn't have been so disjointed. Getting in a ship, getting in the pilot seat, taking off, landing on a planet, jumping in hyperspace... all are disconnected. Breaks immersion a lot. As much as I hate saying this, Star Citizen nailed that part...
  19. Oh man, the premium edition gets 5 days early access... I already know I won't be able to stop myself, I can only hope it'll live up to at least some of the expectations. I keep saying I won't preorder games anymore (ever since No Man's Sky, I was sooo mad on devs and prepurchases) but I still do it from time to time. It stings even more now because the last game I bought I ended up regretting quite a bit (Diablo 4, for some reason I just didn't end up liking it).
  20. Almost there. I'm getting excited for the idea of a new proper single player space exploration planets aliens ships looting RPG thingy. I've promised myself I'm going to sit on my hands and not set any expectations on this one and more importantly, I'm not going to watch any videos/let's plays, etc. I always end up spoiling good games for myself by watching these. I want to go in blind and take my time...
  21. Very much looking forward to Starfield but I'm trying to keep my expectations low. I've come to not trust at all any AAA release hype anymore. Too many times the actual game is nothing like what's promised only to be fixed after a year's worth of patches...
  22. Lately it's been very hard for me to actually stick to a game... I started quite a few which I like but for some reason I just stop playing. One exception, turns out Dead Island 2 is a lot of fun. It's very different from Dying Light but I'm having a blast with it. Cherry on top, I had been to Venice Beach in LA a couple months ago IRL and just got there in the game. I love it when game levels are developed to look like the actual places they modeled. Exploring this particular level is sooo much fun. The crazy weapon combos are also a lot of fun. I'm almost tempted to say Dead Island 2 does weapons better than Dying Light 2.
  23. This the first time for you playing it? I felt exactly the same way. You get drawn in and it really feels like you're there. I was playing with everything I could in the game. Aiming and shooting her handgun felt really good, I think I used that almost exclusively throughout the game. Also, I kept the iron sights, purposely did not upgrade to that holo dot thing. Felt great. I hated the dark sections and the headcrab jumps though...
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