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Everything posted by cucubits

  1. I'll try to contact HP. Would be a perfect time for some other upgrades too, she has quite a small ssd in there and could do with some more ram.
  2. I'm not even kidding 🙂 My wife's laptop has been getting chonkier and chonkier lately. The touchpad used to be flush with the surface. Now when closing the lid there's about 2 cm gap in each side, it's so fat. Obviously it's the battery but I'm mostly wondering if there's a chance I could find one and replace it myself. It's an HP Spectre X360 from quite a few years ago. Is this a more widespread issue? On my previous work laptop, I noticed this as well after about 3 years of use. It was a Thinkpad T460s if I recall right. Neither of us have been abusing the battery, the laptops mostly lived their lives plugged in.
  3. I lowkey hope he's going to name them "t-100"
  4. Rats! I was away this weekend. Would've liked to try D4. Will have to look up some review videos instead...
  5. cucubits


    I have. Bulls eyes are overrated 🙂 The real goal is as many T20s as we can and then the last dart to close the round must be in a double. I've been doing pretty well in this league I've been playing in but it's the lowest tier, entry level so to speak. We play 501 and cricket a lot.
  6. cucubits


    Here's probably the most off-topic thread that I probably should have started a while ago 😆 I've been a long time fan of Darts, playing very casually. Only in the past 5 moths I started taking it more seriously. It helped that there's quite a big community here in Seattle area and I already have a few friends playing. Back in December I had the chance to join a local league and it's a whole lot of fun. I've never played competitively and it's quite an experience. Also finally got the chance to install a board at home too, but considering it's a rental place, I was only allowed to do this in the garage. Haven't started poking holes in the cars just yet but it's something I worry about 😅 I think this is also the main reason I haven't played any of my usual PC games lately... 1-2 hours of darts practice per day kind of eats up the free time. What about you guys? Any other darts fans around? Would love to compare stories, stats, etc.
  7. You're right, I did only go through the first and last page of this topic so far. That's quite a brilliant quote and right now I feel we're at the spot where we can maybe almost see a cliff but the views are prettier and we're ignoring the rest. Hard to say how bad it will be and how much of a snowball effect it will have when companies really start using AI to replace actual human jobs.
  8. I haven't bumped into this thread before but it sure is an interesting discussion. To be honest I'm having very contradictory feelings about all this sudden AI advancement. On one hand it's progress, it should help mankind free up a lot of valuable time by taking away some of our day to day tasks, on the other hand, I feel it's going to be too easy to spiral out of control. I think we'll see major changes in some/most jobs over the next few years. The US being somewhat generally slower to accept change, will probably delay this inevitable a bit, but not by much. In my particular case, I welcome this part. Some of my day to day tasks are writing simple linux scripts to automate things. What would take me a day just to code and work through the correct syntax, now is a matter of a clear description and bam, chatgpt gives me a pretty turnkey template. Of course not feeding it any company specific info/details/IPs, etc. Oh yeah, on the art side, I like it a lot. I've been following Midjourney discord channel for a while now and it's quite amazing what it can do. Here's an example of Prince Charles skateboarding 😆
  9. Yep, we are truly starting to poke the bear. IMO it's not going to end well.
  10. That's true. The way things are going, it's only a matter of time until we'll be able ask an AI to "re-write that game in that engine" and bam, it's done.
  11. If you ask me, I 100% believe it is. They made a half playable alpha and kept it like that for 10 years now, they sell promises and keep hopes up with made up roadmaps and glorious future plans to keep people buying imaginary ships with real money. On the other hand, they can't seem to be competent enough to fix the simplest of bugs... There is still something to it... it drew me in, nice graphics, flying spaceships, landing on (empty) planets.
  12. Well, not really working out with Star Citizen. Looks like 3.18.2 is a complete mess, server lag and a whole bunch of new bugs... I'll probably try a few more times but the expectations have been lowered, by a lot. I should jump back to Days Gone. I've got pretty far in the story and as I always do, I just distracted myself and stopped playing. Can't explain why, I really did enjoy it. Otherwise, not much else out there to pique my interest... going to look forward to System Shock Remake at the end of May and probably Diablo in June, but not sure about that one yet.
  13. Indeed. I recall SS2 had quite an anxious horror feeling like to it. Nothing like what I get from the oversaturated colors I see in the current videos. The 2017 one does look closer to what I would have imagined. Not sure what's going on, maybe same as Dying Light 2 getting much less scary than Dying Light 1, for example? Is there some data that suggests the current playerbase cannot take scarier games anymore?
  14. Whoa, I made a booboo. I completely mixed this up with System Shock 2. I've never actually played the original System Shock 1 which what this remake is about. My mind was on System Shock 2, with the story on the space ship. Either way, this should be even more interesting and new then 🙂 Fingers crossed it's good. I really don't know anything about System Shock 1
  15. Same here 😉 Very excited to hear about this, hopefully it'll come sooner than later.
  16. I'm hoping there are at least a few of you closer to my age around here who remember the original System Shock. It was unlike anything at that time. Fans of fps - space - futuristic - survival - horror like games are the intended audience. Random browsing of upcoming games got me to it now, haven't even seen a trailer but I lowkey knew about this. As of now, it's planned to come out in exactly one month from now (May 30). Very excited!
  17. Indeed. It'll all depend on location. If the poop hits the fan globally, I believe Europe will do best and the US will be completely screwed by everyone panic looting and shooting each other. Maybe I should start ordering ammo, lol. Right, back to cars. It's exactly one year since I got the Macan. It's still nice and makes me smile every time I get in but I do, from time to time, miss the Model S I had before. I miss not paying for petrol and that crazy fast instant acceleration. Even though the Macan has the same specs, it also does technically around 4s 0-60, I can't run it that hard without waking up the whole neighborhood. We'll see what the future brings but I do think I'll be back to EVs eventually...
  18. No need to pay a lot, in fact I always advice against it. Buy the cheapest starter package which is usually $45-ish. It's easy to grind up some ingame currency to buy fancier ships. It's in stages, the first 2 mil are the hardest and then you can afford a Prospector which you can use to mine which yields about 300-400k per hour.
  19. As much as I hate to admit this, I installed back Star Citizen. I really despise how CIG rolls and how they intentionally keep dragging the game in alpha by breaking things with their patches. I'm 100% sure they do this on purpose because they simply cannot deliver everything they promised and they know that if they "release" the game as it is, people will stop buying imaginary ships with real money. Keep hope alive, throw in some random made up roadmaps and glorious future plans and people will happily throw their money at them, even for ships which only exist on paper and not in the game yet. It really is a recipe for success and makes CIG a lot of money. Fans get really mad at me when I keep bringing this up 🙂 Anyway, even with all that, when there aren't any other good games out there to keep me interested, I find myself jumping back. I honestly can't explain it. I think I'm more in love with what the game could be and not where it is now. Flying the ships is satisfying, there are some sort of missions which may or may not work, you can keep flying, loot places, mine, fight NPCs. I'd say the main drive is making ingame currency to buy other ships. For this it sort of helps that they do database wipes with their patches - another tactic to keep people interested. Before 3.18, I had made up a boatload of money, had almost any ship I wanted and then sort of lost interest... no real goal from that point. Now with a clean slate, I'm again drawn in to make it from the ground up.
  20. Sounds about right. Good AAA games which really bring innovation and a breath of fresh seem to be extremely rare nowadays. I was trying to think of some quick examples of recent games I liked a lot but apart from Dying Light 2, there aren't many others. And Dying Light 2 was also quite dumbed down compared to Dying Light 1... I guess players in these times are scared more easily and can't take games with higher difficulty... Oh and the cartoony looks, yeah, I despise that trend. I couldn't play Borderlands for example even if I were to be paid to do so...
  21. Sounds interesting, I'll check it out.
  22. How is it? I never played the first, never heard of the series actually. Is it a sort of space dogfighting arcade-like or has sim elements (compared to Star Citizen for example)? I'm thinking of playing through The Last of Us, now that it's finally out on PC. I did play it with PS Now a while ago but it was pretty low res and laggy... and I never got to finish it.
  23. I'm having a blast with Dredge. It's an awesome little RPG
  24. I did a recent playthrough as well, finally made a Necromancer with Corpse explosion and Legacy of Dreams. Maaan it's OP. Everything just dies. I don't really like how they gave us 47 levels of difficulty and basically leave the balancing to the player. Still... it was a lot of fun.
  25. cucubits


    No no, I'm up in WA, I keep watching the forecast but it looks like it's pretty rare even here. Needs a bit more juice to reach, but it has happened
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