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  1. Past couple years I sometimes have a feeling that people who are currently in their 60s-70s are quite lucky. The future at present seems very uncertain and the world is heading down a wrong, self-destructing path at an ever-increasing pace. Not sure how much we have left, as civilization... I've had a pretty fun childhood, less tech, more outdoor time et. al., so in that regard I don't think I'd want to be born later in time, with all the Facepoops/TikToks/Twatters and rest of the bunch, brainwashing everyone around, while I still haven't developed my views on things and learned to avoid social media at large. I can very much relate to having to go over to a friend's house to get them out, instead of just texting or calling or whatever. Fun times... I also sometimes pictured living in older times, western, medieval, or even earlier, but I'm not sure the reality would be as fun as TV and games are portraying it
  2. Found this project on github that tracks some misuses of AI - https://github.com/daviddao/awful-ai Some sh*t there looks pretty darn awful, like Israel's usage of AI for selecting bombing targets in Gaza... WTF
  3. Neo16 is announced and available for pre-orders : https://www.xmg.gg/en/xmg-neo-16-e24/
  4. Big tech has distracted world from existential risk of AI, says top scientist
  5. More people leaving OpenAI due to safety concerns - https://www.theverge.com/2024/5/22/24162869/another-openai-departure-signals-safety-concerns
  6. Wow, I would get 3 for that price I've just been checking the same model and with the same specs (i9, 4049, 2x1TB SSD, 2x16 RAM) yesterday, and locally for me it amounts to around 4.2k EUR... that's with a 20% discount that they currently have for these laptops in the Lenovo store...
  7. https://www.theverge.com/2024/5/17/24159095/openai-jan-leike-superalignment-sam-altman-ai-safety https://www.theguardian.com/technology/article/2024/may/20/world-is-ill-prepared-for-breakthroughs-in-ai-say-experts
  8. Nop, but only because I don't have what to play it on A buddy of mine mentioned it to me some months ago, and I've mostly heard good things about it, so I'm pretty sure we'll dive into it once I have a laptop that can run games again
  9. I'm almost done with it also (I think I have 2 episodes left) and also liking it. It captured the atmosphere of the game pretty well, and I think that's important for such adaptations. The story is just barely OK, but it doesn't ruin it, because this show isn't about the story really, at least not in my view.
  10. Hey, welcome to the forums! How do you like it so far? I've read that they're very comparable in assembly quality with xmg, but cost considerably less.
  11. Yeah, the FOMO part is more or less what I meant ;) "To do something like there's no tomorrow" is a phrase AFAIK , didn't mean it literally :) (UPD: yep, it is a phrase - https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/like+there's+no+tomorrow . Glad I didn't make that one up in my head )
  12. Well, nvidia for one is definitely being valued like there's no tomorrow. Won't be surprised to see it take on M$ by year's end. https://www.reuters.com/technology/nvidia-cusp-overtaking-apple-second-most-valuable-company-2024-03-08/
  13. We've yet to find out if it's better :) But it certainly feels like an upgrade rather than a refresh. I'd probably go with 16" as well, if I ever decide to pull the trigger on it. A couple weeks ago I saw pcspecialist had ETA on "their" 16" model at the end of March (now it's actually nowhere to be found on the website), so we probably don't have that much waiting left.
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