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Everything posted by superb123

  1. Ok after checked multiple times, I found following errors and non-errors errors: This Program cannot run Without UAC promote elevated rights, as A result you can't use it with Build In Administrator local account and as well as SYSTEM account of windows. problem: You can't use it from remote command or remotely control fans from cmd and you can't with Domain admin account from server to Workstation PCs because this programe has no way to tun on without UAC promote Dialogue "yes" "No" box. non-errors: This Program work perfectly with UAC promote elevated rights, so you have to login to windows with normal admin account every time and have to run the exe GUI or command line with UAC promote Dialogue "yes" "No" box. I hope, remove the "UAC promote mandatory" from that DellFanManagement.exe file will be available at next update. Thanks!
  2. Maybe I tried cmd function with Build In Administrator local account that is why it did not work for me?nothing shown up in cmd and not even GUI opened, I will try with normal admin account and will post the feedback. Normally I will try to use cmd argument as same as version 2.1.1. I normally use Build In administrator(windows) account. If it supports Build In account next update, that would be great and help full for me and rest of others who use Build In account.
  3. Do you know how to run this app by logging as Build In Administrator local account? it just can't run rather than normal admin local account, and can't get the cmd argument help file for how to control fans using command line (batch file). Does version 3s support cmd argument like version 2.1.1? Another problem is, this tool includes version 2.1.1 does not support more than 2 fans! Speedfan tool shows my pc has total 4 Fans, but only 2 fans are operating! is there any other way where I can control those 4 fans with this tool?
  4. I already checked Alienware Control Center but did not find any command option of it(maybe I don't know how to use command argument of that app?) rather than shiny GUI interface with mouse click option which is not my cup of tea! . I am looking for cmd tools for newer Alienware Pcs where I can speed up and speed down for specific time using taskscheduler or something similar tools. Unfortunately, that Dell resisting us to control their fans whatever possible.
  5. hello all I love these tools include Speedfan, version 3 beta, version 2.1 cmd one. But I tried to use these tools for Dell Alienware Aurora include official Speedfan one, but none of these are working! Is there anyother way for Alienware Dell Pcs?
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