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Raiderman last won the day on June 11

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About Raiderman

  • Birthday January 12

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  1. Bought my tubing on ali-express. Bought some from Home depot, and didn't like the spec stamp.
  2. Well, temps didn't change on my newly delidded 9950X, @Mr. Fox thinks it's because I forgot to purchase liquid metal, and used standard arctic silver 6, as do I. If that doesn't bring the temps down to the same level as Mr. Fox's, I will purchase the same block as him.
  3. Excited to try my newly delidded 9950X, thanks to brother @Mr. Fox. Hoping for some good temps. Thank you my friend @Mr. Fox for helping me out! It will be back home tomorrow 🤙
  4. I learned my lesson on tattoo's after I had 3DFX, and ATI inked on my biceps. 🤣
  5. Well, I didn't mean to create work for my friend @Mr. Fox. He just said he'd help me out, so I wanted to give him some online forum love! He knows what a mess my family and I are going through, and as a true friend, he said he could do it for me! Thank you my brother!
  6. I took the 9950X out today and cleaned it all up, and is ready to ship to brother @Mr. Fox to do his magic. He's been having all the fun, and I wanted to get in on some of it.
  7. Looks great! You had way more patience than I did. I was going to hard tube my loop, and it only took one attempt at bending that crap, before it all ended up in the trash can. 🤣
  8. Already better then what I've been able to do with my limited time.
  9. Here's to hoping you get that 9950X screaming. My lack of time has made it impossible for me to tweak/test nary a thing with mine. I know for a fact it will get better with future bios updates!
  10. Hopefully you get a better chip than I did. Both of those prices are cheaper than I paid for the same set up 2 years ago. I have had only minutes here and there to try and test and tune. And that is basically the same board as @electrosoft and I have, except USB 4? I have not had a chance to compare between the two.
  11. The 9950x is still a beast of a chip. I think I may be able to hit 47k in CB 23, and 246K mips in 7zip. I need to check the waterblock contact.
  12. One of the main reasons that there are no AMD overclockers, is because you dont overclock anymore. You undervolt, and change voltage curves so the chip will boost higher at certain points. Its not a lot of fun, hence my lackluster enthusiasm as of late. Unless you are running some LN2, there is no point in changing multipliers, and increasing voltages, as it becomes very unstable.
  13. Bro, you are just an addict like the rest of us! When is the shipping ETA?
  14. Motherboard prices are seriously stupid now days! With stagnation in the industry as a whole, I see a crash coming soon, or at least a reboot.
  15. They are not the same, as far as I know. I have not messed with Intel since the P4 days. I will try and get tREFI into the high 4 digit area. tREFI does not affect latency as much as tRFC, and tRFC 2 on AMD. At least that has been my experience.
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