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Mr. Fox

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Mr. Fox last won the day on June 22

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  • Birthday January 27

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    ⚡Overclocked⚡ ⚡Overvolted⚡

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  1. I thought of you as soon as I saw it because I know you are very interested in NAS builds and could probably relate to a time in the past that was like what he was going through. We all start out as a noob at everything in the beginning. I would be right where he was in the video, LOL. What I know about the things I know wouldn't be much help getting started as an ignorant noob. I'm sure you're already familiar with his channel, but this guy has some interesting content relating to DIY NAS builds.
  2. I love what you say because I agree with it, but the brutal reality of what you are saying is extremely sad and hard to find any forgiveness for them. It's like the foolish arguement that a good God would never send anyone to hell, but a good God gives us freedom to choose our destiny and provides us with a way to avoid going there. Anyone that ends up going to hell goes there as a matter of choice and it is a direct result of their stupidity and rejection of truth. The idiots producing trash tech damn themselves and their companies to manufacturer hell and have only themselves to blame for making really stupid decisions. I hope they enjoy the hot weather. They deserve it.
  3. Sweet! I guess my next GPU will be from PNY if it is a Kingpin. Awesome. ❤️ Very telling about ASUS and MSI not being interested. Sucks to be them, I guess. It is starting to show though, so I don't have a surprised look on my face. Gamer trash everywhere. I think @Rage Set might enjoy this storage-related video.
  4. Their disclaimer says enough. Anyone willing to try it needs to have their head examined. The 12VHPWR connector is risky enough without any adapter involved. Cablemod certainly cannot be faulted for their attention to customer service. It was nice to see them offering assistance to the person needing to locate a GPU repair service even though they are no longer covering the cost. Their customer service has been exemplary in spite of the inherent design-driven form factor faults of the 12VHPWR adapters they recalled. What is puzzling to me is that person was not aware of the recall. I am not sure if I even believe them. But, the fact that they don't know of a place to get the GPU repaired does suggest they are not paying attention to anything. I mean, with all of the Chris Fix, Northridge Fix and Northwest Repair videios on YouTube, how could you not know unless you are just not very observant or aware of anything?
  5. I thought that was hilarious. Not as funny as Lisa Su or Frank Azor working there, but still funny. I've never heard of that "Party Animals" game before and it makes me very sad that anyone at AMD could actually think using that for benchmarks would be relevant. It suggests how out of touch hardware manufacturers are with what matters to the people that purchase their products. Knowing that the Redmond Reprobates are bragging about, promoting or endorsing anything makes me instantly want to distance myself from it. Other than crApple, they have to be the second-most ignorant, insane clown possee in the technology space. The stupid stuff they do to Windoze, and the frequency with which they do those stupid things, that cause each feature release to make it suck more than the version before it, has convinced me that they are worthless and there is no point in burning any calories hoping they will get better or become less stupid in time. I can't identify any companies I have less respect for than Micro$lop and crApple. It is a truly hopeless scenario whenever either one of them are involved in the process. You can just about bet money that if they are involved it is going to turn out pretty sucky.
  6. Nope. Not me. As a dog returns to his own vomit, So a fool repeats his folly. (Proverbs 26:11) I don't care for the taste of puke. Never have. I've never tasted dung before but I would imagine that's the rough equivalent of the disgusting notion buying a Snapdragon powered turdbook.
  7. And the "worse" memory support is not the chipset, it is the motherboard OEMs stopped giving any effort to Z690. There is no difference in memory overclocking support between Z690 and Z790, only a difference in motherboard OEM priorities. Or, maybe we should say the LACK of priorities. Z690 Dark was the perfect example of what Z690 can do if the people that sold it give a hoot about their customers. By most measurements it overclocks the memory as well as Z790 Apex and EVGA hasn't continued firmware development. Yet a Z690 Apex, which should have been recalled by ASUS for being a defective product, sucked like a 4-DIMM motherboard at memory overclocking. The one thing we can count on with ASUS is that they never do the right thing for their customers. Yup, absolutely correct. Complete idiots. They should be fired for their stupidity and incompetence.
  8. Optane support was removed in Z790. In fact, that is the primary difference between Z690 and Z790. Nothing was done other than repurposing the PCIe lanes that were used by Optane. And, it created something new for Intel partners to sell to motherboard shoppers. New is always newer, and when people feel compelled to have something newer, you need to have something new to sell them. Z790 also gave dishonest losers like ASUS the chance to fix their screwed up Z690 messes without having to admit that they botched things up with Z690, or incur any costs or accountability for fixing their screw-ups. Meanwhile, MSI and EVGA were doing great things with the Z690 platform. Viva la machine.
  9. I am reasonably certain it would be better. Thankfully, doing that sort of thing doesn't represent most of what we do, most of the time. If it did, even Gen5 would be too slow. I have three Gen5 2TB NVMe SSDs but I am using all of them as Gen3 and Gen4 because I don't want to gimp my PCIe x16 bandwidth. I did test that and there was a pretty small but still measurable difference in 3DMark scores with the Gen5 NVMe knee-capping the GPU. Small enough that I doubt it would be noticeable in gaming. In the same way the Gen5 speed capacity increase wouldn't be noticeable in normal use.
  10. Just my two cents worth... I think the benefit of Gen5 storage speeds is questionable and not worth the extra heat it creates, or even the added purchase cost for it being "new and special" Gen5, unless it is a hobby to run repeated SSD benchmarks that shorten the life of the SSD you are repeatedly benching. The faster Gen5 data transfer speeds are going to be totally worthless to most computer users and do nothing to improve their experience compared to Gen4 or even Gen3. Even SATA SSD is fast enough that normal daily use is not remarkably different than Gen3 NVMe. I appreciate the M.2 form factor primarily because 2.5-inch SATA SSDs are essentially a hollow box that wastes a lot space on a form factor that is not necessary to accomodate the small parts inside of the mostly empty box. SATA SSDs could be reduced in size to the point that two or three M.2 SATA SSDs could fit in the space occuppied by one 2.5-inch SATA SSD.
  11. This might be helpful to others. Worked for me. The second Dell Precision 7720 that I purchased for my wife (identical to mine, but with 4K display) had the latest cancer filth applied. Overclocking was blocked and voltage control locked. I used this technique to take control and downgrade the BIOS to the last version where these controls were not locked down. Basically extracted all of the BIOS components and made a "cocktail" of files that lied to the BIOS about what firmware version was being flashed. I was able to downgrade the ME firmware several versions as well, but not all the way back to the 2019 branch.
  12. So, that Dell Precision 7720 that I purchased for my wife had the latest cancer filth applied. Overclocking blocked and voltage control locked. I used this technique to take control and downgrade the BIOS to the last version where these controls were not locked down. Basically extracted all of the BIOS components and made a "cocktail" of files that lied to the BIOS about what firmware version was being flashed. I was able to downgrade the ME firmware several versions as well, but not all the way back to the 2019 branch.
  13. Yup, that's how it goes now. 😟😑 These are especially attractive to former console jockeys that want to spend the same as a console and have something better. They don't know any better. They don't know what they don't know. And, it IS BETTER than a console. 😑 That's not saying much. Now, that said, yes, I'd spend $500 on this before I would consider paying $500 for a console. That doesn't mean it is awesome, but it doesn't suck as bad as a console. These people also play games with their smartphones and handheld garbage devices. For them this is an upgrade. For us it is a downgrade and an insult. A bigger desk turd with discrete GPU instead of APU... but, far too expensive when compared to the turd above with an APU. Cost almost twice as much, but you do not get twice as much.
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