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  1. Just curious, specifically which drivers are you talking about?
  2. I have to say I miss having an RJ45 Ethernet jack on so many laptops now. I know dongles work, they're fine, they're just... dongles. A cludge IMO. The issue with thinness was solved long ago with those ethernet jacks in thin laptops, the bottom of the port being a spring loaded flap that accomodated the relatively large RJ45 connector clip. I've never seen a machine so thin (at its thickest point, usually towards the rear) that it could not use one of these spring loaded jacks that we used to get but I guess there just isn't the demand for ethernet there once was since the opportunity to stop including them seems to have been jumped on across the 'ultrabook' segment.
  3. Just replying (with a brand new account, nice forum!) to say thank you for this software. I can report it working perfectly with a 2020 Inspiron 7501 which I believe was also sold (in dark grey) as a Vostro 7500 in some markets, hardware seems to be the same in both (10th gen Intel). Really useful. I can only think of one feature I would like which would be some sort of quick button to turn EC control off and both fans to max, it's no hardship to have to click a few times to achieve this but a sort of one-shot "All fans max" control would be nice... perhaps in a tray icon right click menu? This laptop seems to be very slow to ramp up fans with EC control (even in "Ultra Performance" thermal config), clearly Dell have favoured quietness over all else and it can lead to throttling before the laptop finally decides to spin everything up under load so an "All fans max" control would be nice to have when doing something CPU/GPU intensive. Thanks again!
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