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Everything posted by martin-london

  1. Hey @Aaron44126 -- thanks for getting back to me and the extra info. No worries, I can certainly appreciate both (a) having competing demand on your time, and (b) that it is unrealistic / unreasonable to ask you to support a tool that you cant even easily test yourself nowadays before it is only applies to laptop 3 years old or more! πŸ‘πŸΌ I would offer to help if I could (I do various bits of development in several languages), but don't have any experience with hardware monitoring / control (sorry)... Also, following what I said above, "as is" basis is fine and understandable (thanks for clarifying) -- I just hope to god Microsoft don't change something and DellFanManagement stops working, as if I have to go back to using that 1GB+, piece-of-sh*t bloatware "Alien Command Center" just to manage my fans, I will be really unhappy! πŸ™ˆπŸ™‚ Ah OK, I don't think I know DellFanCmd but in the interim I have been using DellSetThermalSetting in a similar way, if that is more or les the same tool?... It is quite handy being able just to double-click something and change the fan mode to Optimized, or UltraPerformance πŸ‘πŸΌ Not sure if DellFanCmd can do extra things on top of this that are worth me knowing about(?), but happy to experiment and try it out -- where's the best place to get it from plz? PS -- Have been trying to figure out a way to bypass the UAC prompt when I do say DellSetThermalSetting.exe Optimized but no joy so far... Realise you don't have much time for this project anymore but just as you're familiar with this area, if you have any ideas you can share that would be great! (I was counting on the task scheduler 'hack' to do this but it didn't work). Fair enough, it was just a suggestion that came from me realising I had no idea if I was on the latest version or not -- but again, as you've said there's basically no updates planned at this time, then that's fine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Once again, thanks for developing the tool and continuing to engage with the community! Hope everything goes well with your other projects! Martin [PS -- Just saw that you got back to me on the same day I posted! Thanks so much for getting back to me so quickly!... Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. I didn't get a notification / realised you had replied at the time and was just logging in today to check if there had been any updates -- will go and check my notebooktalk.net user/notification settings!]
  2. Hi @Aaron44126 I also wanted to make 1-2 suggestions (request 1-2 tweaks) that I think would help make DellFanManagement even better, whenever you have any free time / are next making updates to the app... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- πŸ’‘ Request/Suggestion: Update links in app/github: Assuming the above, it would be cool if you had some time to update the in-app "about" info and github homepage. Just that, currently: The message in DellFanManagement.exe tells users to go to https://github.com/.../DellFanManagement https://github.com/.../DellFanManagement then tells users to go: http://forum.notebookreview.com http://forum.notebookreview.com doesn't exist any more! So after following multiple links/redirections, I ended-up in a dead end and (at the time) didn't know how to get back to this site (e.g. I couldn't remember the URL, etc). In the end even though I've been using the app since last year, the only way I found this page again was from google (rather than the link in the app) but while googling worked in the end, you might agree that it's probably not an ideal route (and is hopefully something that could be fixed in a few mins). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- πŸ’‘ Request/Suggestion: Add version number (or date) to the "about" panel / binary properties: Again, purely reflecting on my own experience and thinking how a little change could make this even better... I saw the post of a new link (assuming new version) back in December so went to check if I needed to install this (i.e. I was running an older version of DellFanManagement.exe) but I wasn't really able to tell as the "about" panel said: version DEV, and the .exe properties say File version: So IF you wanted to add a version number (or date published) that would be cool. πŸ‘πŸΌ ℹ️ Info/Tip: I use a tiny utility VerPatch.exe which can inject version information into an already-compiled .exe file. (This has been really helpful for a few other great tools like FFmpeg.exe which don't put any version numbers in their binaries - but VerPatch.exe makes it SO much easier to check which version I have vs. the one currently available, (see example below)... [I created a short URL for https://bit.ly/dell-fan-mgmt just for my own ease of reference, but please feel free (anyone) to use/save it if its handy -- it will automatically navigate to the most recent comment in this thread] Anyway, my point is... If it's not easy to include a version number into the .exe / as part of the build process, but you like this idea instead, please just let me know and am happy to send you a link to VerPatch and a command line template for how it configure it. πŸ‘πŸΌ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ℹ️ Info/Tip: Updating the registry automatically: As you note in your initial post, some users may need to add a registry entry to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CI\Policy] to enable all functions (this caught me out until just recently!)... I know you said you wanted to get DellFanManagement to prompt the user / do this automatically so wanted to help out on that bit (as I script a fair number of registry tweaks on my own system)... You can get DellFanManagement to set this registry entry automatically by having it run the following cmd (with elevated privileges) when it initiates... REG ADD HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CI\Policy /v UpgradedSystem /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f Hope the above notes are helpful! - Am happy to discuss any of these further if you want to explore in more detail or clarify anything. Thanks again, MartinπŸ‘πŸΌ
  3. Hi @Aaron44126 First of all I just wanted to say a big thank you for developing this app! Side note: I've had my Dell laptop for a few years and while overall it's pretty decent, the CPU always runs hot so I need some kind of fan controller but Dell's "Alienware Command Centre" is probably one of THE most bloated, poorly-designed apps I have ever seen (seriously Dell, a 1GB app that only works for a single user account, just to set a fricking fan speed!?) I wondered if I could ask 1-2 questions, more on a house-keeping side of things... ❓ Question: Source/Download location: I noticed that the app has a link to your (old?) github project, but it doesn't look like the code has been updated for a while but it looks like updates are being posted here more frequently (the last one being just before xmas, etc)... So, in terms of which site to go to when checking for updates (and also your preferred place for people to report any bugs, etc) I'm assuming that the main site for DellFanManagement is this site (https://notebooktalk.net)?, rather than github? ❓ Question: Command Line options: Are there any command line options for DellFanManagement.exe please?... Would be good to know any options that exist (generally), but especially if there is one for launching DellFanManagement.exe minimised / without the showing the main windows? (when loading on login, etc) Thanks in advance! Martin
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