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  1. Hi, It was the 9900K Already delidded and liquid metalled between die and IHS. It seems to have resolved a curious behaviour where one of the cores would be a lot hotter than all the rest so i’m quite happy with it.
  2. Hi @SRS2236 The problem was that the DSANKE bios basically gave my system a non descript UUID which stopped a couple of my registered programs being registered. I managed to get a dump of my own bios unlocked this morning through a different means which preserved my UUID and having had a quick inspection looks to have all the stuff unlocked that the DSANKE bios had. I’ve actually been following several threads (P775TM1) that you have been actively in over the last couple of months so great to finally say hi 🙂 I’ve got a liquid/air heatsink arriving this week (or next) that i am going to be fitting in my laptop. Already got cpu delidded and copper ihs fitted. After that i’d then need to start looking at how to utilise Throttlestop/unlocked bios/Afterburner etc to actually tune this laptop up. I would really value your knowledge and assistance going forwards with it. Clearly my main effort is to reduce the CPU thermals so the missis doesn’t launch my laptop when the fans kick in haha. Clearly i’ll start a new thread on it so as not to hijack this one any more. And of course i can send you a backup of my old stock bios no problemo. UK based. Appreciate this forum. Reminds me of the old NBR days. Chris
  3. ***Edit*** So successfully flashed DSANKE 1.7.29 Bios using DOS method. I’ve noticed that serial number and board number are blank within the main page of the Bios (which has thrown a registration problem up with my Obsidion Fan Control app) I’m a bit worried the Windows installation may become unregistered somehow as well if its not seeing a serial number etc from my motherboard Anyone know if this is normal behaviour ? Hi, Total noob here. Currently got latest P775TM1 Bios installed (used Windows installation method a few weeks ago - i remember running a windows batch file called 'FLASHMEWINX64.BAT' and running through some Dos prompts). I now wish to install DSANKE's unlocked version downloaded from this thread. Can someone please let me know the steps to try this in Windows ? Would i just replace the rom in the folder and run the above .bat file again with it picking up the DSANKE rom ? Probably totally wrong !!! PS i don't mind an alternate method but not got a programmer and wouldn't know how to start with that method anyway so guess it's a shot with Windows method. Please help. Regards Chris
  4. Hi chaps, i’m watching this thread intently …and Mirages actually. I have a P775TM1 2080 & i9900K and iam currently waiting on an air/water heatsink arriving from aliexpress. Got the photos of it all before it was posted out to me in UK yesterday so guessing a few weeks for me to wait. The pump/radiator/reservoir (from aliexpress) is due to arrive tomorrow. In terms of thermal pads i’ve decided to try the thermal putty route and have ordered some TG-pp10 from the US so awaiting that too 👊 Sheer desperation to drop the CPU thermals which are a son of a GUN haha. Best regards Chris
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