So successfully flashed DSANKE 1.7.29 Bios using DOS method.
I’ve noticed that serial number and board number are blank within the main page of the Bios (which has thrown a registration problem up with my Obsidion Fan Control app)
I’m a bit worried the Windows installation may become unregistered somehow as well if its not seeing a serial number etc from my motherboard
Anyone know if this is normal behaviour ?
Total noob here.
Currently got latest P775TM1 Bios installed (used Windows installation method a few weeks ago - i remember running a windows batch file called 'FLASHMEWINX64.BAT' and running through some Dos prompts).
I now wish to install DSANKE's unlocked version downloaded from this thread.
Can someone please let me know the steps to try this in Windows ? Would i just replace the rom in the folder and run the above .bat file again with it picking up the DSANKE rom ?
Probably totally wrong !!!
PS i don't mind an alternate method but not got a programmer and wouldn't know how to start with that method anyway so guess it's a shot with Windows method.
Please help.